Iván Cepeda will denounce Edward Rodríguez for prevarication


The senator from Polo also prepares an action for loss of investiture to the representative of Uribe for violating conflicts of interest, not declaring himself impeded and establishing a position within the process carried out by the Indictment Commission around the case of Álvaro Uribe.

This Tuesday, the Polo senator, Iván Cepeda, and counterpart of the process against former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez for procedural fraud and bribery in criminal proceedings, announced that he is preparing two legal actions against the representative of the Democratic Center, Edward Rodríguez, for malfeasance and violation of the conflict of interest in the Uribe case, which is handled by the Chamber’s Indictment Commission.

For Cepeda, “Rodríguez had the duty to declare himself prevented from hearing the file that the Indictment Commission carries out against the former magistrate (José Luis) Barceló, but not only was he silent about the legal impossibility of participating in its proceedings, but also it promoted the performances ”. This is based on insofar as, according to him, the representative is Álvaro Uribe’s political subordinate and the complainant in the process is Ricardo Ferro, a fellow member of the Chamber.

More context: Indictment Commission cites a free version of former magistrate Barceló for the Uribe case.

Last week it was learned that said legislative cell summoned the former magistrate to a free version to investigate whether there were irregularities in the interceptions of Uribe that the Supreme Court of Justice ordered in the middle of the case that the high court advanced, in 2018, against the representative Nilton Córdoba for the poster of the toga and with which an investigation was opened to the former president and former senator for procedural fraud and bribery in criminal proceedings.

“In other words, Rodríguez is conducting an investigation that directly benefits the head of the political party in which he is a member and for which he was elected in Congress. Therefore, he would be incurred in the cause of impediment ”, insists the senator.

(You may be interested in: Álvaro Uribe’s defense insists that the Supreme Court “threw him” and asks for an investigation)

Although the case in the Commission is led by the representative Mauricio Toro (Alianza Verde), Cepeda points out Rodríguez as the instructor of the Barceló process within the Commission, a situation that would benefit, he explains, Uribe in a process that, furthermore, It matches the versions of the former president in the case, according to the opposition senator.

“This new episode is part of the plot that the political world is doing to seek impunity for former senator Uribe to invalidate very solid evidence that demonstrates his responsibility in the crimes of bribery in criminal proceedings and procedural fraud,” Cepeda insists on this particular situation with representative Rodríguez.

In addition to this, the parliamentarian also criticizes that Rodríguez has appeared in the media talking about the process. “The representative has incurred in prejudice and abuse of power, since he has acted in an investigation on which he has issued public opinions that show his open side, not only because of the presumed innocence of Álvaro Uribe, but also about the invalidity of the tests carried out by the former Barceló magistrate ”.

Along the same lines, Cepeda insists: “he has emphatically expressed himself in favor of the alleged innocence of former senator Uribe, he has disqualified interceptions legally obtained by the Supreme Court of Justice and has questioned decisions adopted by the magistrates of that high court, in particular , those that have to do precisely with the facts that are known in the process carried out by the Indictment Commission ”.

Not only Cepeda has highlighted Rodríguez’s statements, Mauricio Toro has also done so, highlighting the seriousness of his colleague on the commission revealing details of the process that is being carried out when they must remain confidential for the rights of the parties. Moreover, since it became known about the summons to Barceló, the green representative was emphatic that said call did not have to be filtered to the media.
