“It is trafficking in persons with labor exploitation”: Claudia López on the case of Edy Fonseca


The vigilante of a building in the wealthy Rosales neighborhood of Bogotá denounced that the property managers prevented her from returning to her home and forced her to work without breaks and sleep in the basement for almost a month, alleging that they had been quarantined. Claudia López on the case of Edy Fonseca.

According to the complaint, the president of the board of directors and the administrator of the building prevented the guard, identified as Edy Fonseca, 51, from returning to her home, even when she begged to be able to leave because one of her nephews had died last 2 of April.

During the confinement he slept in the basement of the building, with just a few blankets, and survived with 15,000 pesos a day that were delivered to him for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Fonseca’s lawyer, Nixon Adriano Forero, said that his defendant has been dedicated to the celaduría for three years and one who worked in the Luz Marina building, where she was detained. He also recalled that Fonseca has three children, is a grandmother and a head of the family.

Given the situation, the Prosecutor’s Office announced that it is investigating the case: “This process was assigned to a Bogotá Public Security sectional prosecutor, who directs the investigative activities, in response to the complaint received through the Contact Center of the Prosecutor’s Office.”

Additionally, the Superintendency of Surveillance and Private Security said in a statement that, in response to the warden’s complaint, “he immediately ordered an inspection visit to the site.”

Claudia López on the case of Edy Fonseca

Mayor Claudia López also spoke. In interview with Citytv He reproached the situation that the administrators made him pass to the vigilante.

“We cannot abuse the health of anybody, like the lady we saw in the cemetery of that building in Rosales. It is a crime to abuse someone humble who does need a job, but also respect “, he portrayed.

And I add: “This case was abusive and isolated. I believe that most people understand that we are human beings. We are very sorry for that case. We are accompanying Mrs. Edy and her lawyer. We believe that this is trafficking in persons with labor exploitation and obviously a great violation of all her human rights. So we will accompany her throughout her process. “
