Is there already an outbreak or increase in COVID-19 cases in Bogotá?


The head of that portfolio alerted about the occupation of UCI in Bogota and the number of cases reported last weekend. According to Blu Radio, the minister says he went from 1,412 COVID-19 cases to 1,439 in a single day (Saturday, September 19).

When consulted in this regard, the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, said, in dialogue with Cablenoticias, than the statements of the Minister of Health are not exact and accused the National Government of “politicking.”

“That is false; I would beg the National Government not to put the Minister of Health in politicking. UCI occupancy today is the lowest that Bogotá has had. Yesterday, 13 patients left the ICU; so that is good news because we have low ICU occupancy, but it does not mean that the pandemic is gone. The risk of COVID-19 it continues to exist, ”said López, in dialogue with that outlet.

Trying to establish a middle point between both statements, the Vice Minister of Health, Luis Alexander Moscoso, spoke in Blu Radio and detailed what it was that set off the alarms within that portfolio.

“Bogotá comes in a slow and progressive decline figure. This figure in decline in the number of cases and deaths, also comes with a decline curve of [ocupación de] Intensive Care Units. But we were struck by the weekend that we had a slight increase in the number of occupied beds for two days, which draws attention and is a sign of concern, “added the official, on that radio frequency.

At the court of September 21, the occupancy of ICU beds in Bogotá is 54.5%. At its most critical moment (July 26), the occupation of Intensive Care Units in the capital reached 93.2%, indicated the Bogotá Health Observatory.

These were the words of the mayor (from minute 4:58):

New normality will eventually cause regrowth in Bogotá

This Monday, Claudia López warned that the discipline of citizens will depend on how hard the outbreak of coronavirus cases will be in the city. López announced that the vast majority of the country’s capital will resume the work and commercial activities that the pandemic affected. Only bars, nightclubs and mass events are the only ones that will remain with bans to operate.

The president was insistent that Bogotá citizens must be more careful than ever with the correct use of masks, social distancing and hand washing, because it is the respect for those norms that can prevent the city from facing similar scenarios in a few months as those of a couple of months ago in terms of the spread of the coronavirus and occupation of the hospital system.

“We may have a regrowth and a second peak. What these measures should achieve is to produce a second peak as less aggravated and triggered as possible, a second peak that is relatively slow and moderate. If the risk of contagion is triggered as it happened to us in July, the moment it occurs we will take particular measures, but we believe that it is possible to avoid this scenario with the measures we are announcing, ”said López.
