Is it possible or not to exercise outdoors on isolated days? | THE UNIVERSAL


RAfael is 40 years old and since he has used his reason he has exercised, outdoors or in a gym, but since March 13, when he began the mandatory isolation in the country, he has had to do some exercise within four walls of your apartment or failing on the balcony, to get some air, but ensures that it is not the same.

Since last week, when the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, indicated that he would allow himself to exercise outdoors in stipulated hours, Rafael thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to return to his routine.

“I immediately thought of going to the park to exercise, because there are machines to do legs and arms that would help me a lot, however, yesterday when I left, some guards told me that I could not enter the park,” he commented a bit. grumpy.

A similar case happened to Camila, who left her house in Marbella and decided to jog on the sand, facing the sea, but she met some police officers, who indicated that exercise was not allowed in this place.

From that moment, the questions of the people of Cartagena began on social networks, who wondered what times and places were allowed to exercise, since most believed that it would be the same as the rest of the country, where everyone could go out, as long as take into account the protocols to avoid contagions.

The people of Cartagena are divided, while some support the fact that they can go out to the streets to exercise, others assure that this should not have allowed it, since the only thing that will do is to increase the infections, because nobody will guarantee that people go out with the necessary elements to avoid being infected.

“I do not agree that they can let people go out to exercise, what it will do is that there are more people on the streets and more now that they have activated two sectors of the economy, what it will do is increase the spread of the virus ”, Assured Abraham Cañate; Similar thought has Janderson Jiménez who wrote in his networks that “I do not agree, they are going to further delay the process that was being carried out, if with the first measure it was planned to be closed for about 4 months, now it will be double.”

For their part, others allege that “it was very necessary that they allow us to go out and exercise, we needed it. The only thing I see wrong is that you should take into account the peak and gender, it should not be like that “,” I totally support the fact of being able to go out to exercise, the only thing is that they do not allow us to jog on the beach “.

Given this, we decided to consult with the Mayor’s Office of Cartagena, who assured that “this is the only way to keep the peaks of contagion of coronaviruses under control, that is why they will only be able to go out for an hour and must maintain the stipulated distance.

On Tuesday night, the mayor announced that in this new phase of preventive isolation, the city will schedule 3 days of curfew for 24 hours, which are Friday, May 1 and Sundays, May 3 and 10.

These days only people who have permission to do so will come out, and supermarkets and pharmacies will only be open for home care.

“Addresses can operate, and supermarkets can open, but for matters of logistics or domiciles, and because their employees are authorized to work,” said Dau.

Given this, many people claim not to agree, since in those days those who could go out according to their ID number will no longer be able to do so, thus leaving them without the opportunity to shop or go out to exercise.

The fifth article of Decree 0551 issued by the Mayor’s Office on Sunday, April 26 announces that the city allows the development of physical activities and individual outdoor exercises for people who are in the age range of 18 to 60 years, for a maximum period of 1 hour, in the hours between 5 and 7 in the morning, attending to the established ID and gender restriction, maintaining a distance of 5 meters between people.

In the same document it is stated that the activities can be carried out only in the closest environment of the residence of each person, for which the use of beaches, parks, courts and closed public or private sports spaces is restricted, as well as the use of bio-healthy machines and children’s games installed in parks and open spaces.

While some argued that children should also have an hour to go to the park, as had been stipulated nationally, in the city it is not allowed, since they are a vulnerable population and cannot be on the streets even less to go. to the parks, where the virus could be.
