iPhone 12 for 5G: Why Apple promises the “start of a new era” for its flagship phone


  • Drafting
  • BBC World News


The iPhone 12 was unveiled in California by Apple boss Tim Cook.

“Today is the beginning of a new era for the iPhone.”

This is how the head of Apple, Tim Cook, presented this Tuesday the iPhone 12, the new model of his flagship phone, which for the first time will have the ability to connect to 5G cellular networks, something that Samsung and other Android phones already offered last year.

“Superfast”, “advanced”, “secure” were the words Cook chose to describe how the use of these types of networks increases the capacity of the mobile, since it will be able to download information at 4.0 gigabytes per second.

“5G will bring a new level of performance for downloads and uploads, higher quality video streaming, more responsive games, real-time interactivity and much more,” Cook said.
