Iota brings out the dramatic state abandonment to the archipelago – Congress – Politics


Devastation and uncertainty is the panorama that is experienced today in San Andrés and Providencia after the passage of Hurricane Iota, whose eye reached 8 kilometers from the island and was hit by winds of up to 230 kilometers per hour.

(Also: They went on vacation to Providencia and now they are missing)

So far, from the report of the islanders themselves, it is known that in San Andrés the climatic event left houses unroofed, roads in poor condition and neighborhoods completely flooded, while in Providencia the outlook is even more bleak, as there is talk of a 98 percent destruction of infrastructure.

Precisely, the representative of San Andrés and Providencia Elizabeth Jay-Pang Díaz, who is present in the place, delivered a report of the difficult situation that is being experienced at this time and revealed the other ‘storms’ that are experienced in the area, such as the impacts of the pandemic and erosion on beaches. .

(See also: Duque talks about a 100-day plan to rebuild Providencia)

What is the situation at the moment in the archipelago?

The situation is quite critical both in San Andrés and in Providencia. There are houses destroyed and others flooded, the roads are still in recovery, because the sea carried many rocks towards the road, we have destroyed roads. In Providencia the situation is much more chaotic, there if they lost everything, they don’t have water, they don’t have food, they are setting up huts because they lost everything. Other than that, there is no power, no communication. We hope we can recover soon, but we can only achieve that if we unite.

In Providencia the situation is much more chaotic, there they lost everything

What kinds of help are needed?

Construction materials, drinking water, tents, blankets are required, clothing is needed. In Providencia you need absolutely everything, from flashlights to food, they lost everything there. They are trying to evacuate some people to San Andrés.

It has been more than 10 years since a child was born in Providencia, they have to go to San Andrés

For medical attention, how do they do in Providencia?

It has been more than 10 years since a child was born in Providencia, they have to go to San Andrés. The situation at the health post was very precarious and now it is over, the hurricane destroyed it. They are trying to evacuate to San Andrés people who are injured.

How should the contingency plan be to attend this emergency?

It must be a joint effort, between the National, Departmental Government and all the forces. We need to work quickly, but in an organized way, we need to improve the water system, establish a priority food system, advance in reconstruction.

Elizabeth Jay-Pang Diaz

How to do so that a natural event of this type does not present such a great impact in this area?

From every tragedy there always comes an opportunity to improve and it is time to improve, because we have known our whole life that San Andrés for this time is always affected by tropical storms.

(Also: The shocking images of Providencia after hurricane Iota)

We need a good hospital that responds, that with the first breeze it will not fall. We need to have a risk management unit that responds to the needs of the territory: to have motorized pumps, to have chainsaws, to have instruments to evacuate people. And that is what San Andrés y Providencia does not have. It is time for us to prepare.

So the archipelago is hit by storms of all kinds, not just natural events …

Right, since the beginning of the pandemic we have not been able to get up, we have had seven months in which a tourist has not arrived, the economy is on the ground. It must be remembered that the family basket in San Andrés costs four or five times more than in other parts of the country, because we have to pay for all the transportation of food by sea and the port movement in dollars. The economic situation is quite difficult.

We are requesting to ‘de-dollarize’ the economy in San Andrés. How does a person who earns the minimum pay the family basket here, plus education and health? The situation is quite complicated.

(Also: Government declares San Andrés and Providencia as a disaster area)

It is time for Invias, the Regional Autonomous Corporation, environmental corporations and other entities to work to stop erosion on the beaches, because if not, we will continue to have this type of situation. It’s time to get organized.

Does the government’s handling of this emergency give you some peace of mind?

At least the presence of President Iván Duque gives us some reassurance. We hope that what they are promising is fulfilled.

