Inmates used witchcraft to make extortion calls from prisons – Crimes – Justice


The findings of recent raids of Inpec staff in prisons were particularly striking.

In La Picota, one of Bogotá’s detention centers, the guards found various items that were used to make extortion calls.

(Also read: In a raid against prison extortion, members of the Inpec are captured)

“The inmates, in addition to using cell phones, also had bluetooth speakers with different sounds programmed so that they could pretend to be at an airport and thus commit the scam of the false international parcel,” informed Inpec.

In these devices, the prisoners had programmed sounds of ambulances and police patrols, to be able to carry out the form of impersonation of authority.

Prison extortion

During the anti-extortion raid in several prisons, 423 cell phones, 900 simcards, 8 microSDs, 7 USBs, 191 chargers, and 549 bladed weapons were seized.

Black magic and witchcraft

However, the finding that attracted the most attention is related to a material for witchcraft and black magic, which “consisted of the use of ceramic goblins, to which the inmates, before making an extortion call, placed a bill or coins of different denominations, in order for the extortion to take effect and the victim to consign “, assured the entity.

In addition to La Picota, Inpec carried out inspections in more than 10 detention centers in the country.

(You may be interested: Andrés Felipe Arias has not left his place of detention)

In these these proceedings the seizure of 423 cell phones, 900 simcards, 8 microSDs, 7 USBs, 191 chargers, and 549 knives. The information that rested on the seized devices is subject to analysis and investigation by the Cibergaula of the National Police.

According to Inpec, so far this year there has been a reduction of 13 percent in cases of prison extortion, which has been achieved by the dismantling of 138 gangs dedicated to this crime and the capture of 2,184 criminals.

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