Increased to 42 the number of cases of Covid-19 detected in Santander


A new case of coronavirus was detected in Santander, as announced by Governor Mauricio Aguilar, this Saturday morning.

This is a 35-year-old man in Floridablanca who is experiencing mild symptoms at home, bringing the number of confirmed cases in Santander to 42.

“This new patient had contact with a person carrying the virus, from whom it is unknown who may have infected it. The Departmental Health Secretariat has already established the epidemiological fence and identified the close contacts of this man and, in addition, follows up on active cases of the virus in the department, which total six, “reported the Interior.

The departmental president called on the people of Santander to maintain care: “I ask the people of Santander not to let their guard down in the face of the coronavirus and to comply with the mandatory preventive isolation. It is essential to continue taking preventive measures such as social isolation; avoid leaving the house and do it only to satisfy basic needs, carry out the necessary protocols to enter and leave the house; properly wear the mask and gloves; take care of our older adults, as well as other fundamental actions that must be carried out for the well-being of all ”.

The National Government decided to extend the quarantine period until May 25, which was originally scheduled to end on the 11th of that month. However, during this extended period, under strict protocols, some economic sectors will be reactivated.
