Impressive video records an alleged drunk driver when he runs over motorcyclists and starts to flee in Bello, Antioquia: then he received a beating


The spectacular accident occurred in Bello, Antioquia.  Photo: Social networks
The spectacular accident occurred in Bello, Antioquia. Photo: Social networks

On the afternoon of January 1, Bello, Antioquia municipality, witnessed a series of spectacular traffic accidents caused by a 23-year-old man in an alleged state of intoxication.

In social networks, a strong video circulated in which a Mazda 6 brand car, which was clearly traveling at high speed, strongly ran over a motorcycle. After the impact, it is seen how the motorcyclist and his grill were suspended in the air and then fell dramatically.

In the fall, it can be seen that parts of the motorcycle and safety implements are raised through the air, given the strong collision. After hitting the men, the driver of the car continues to drive with high speed.

According to Rigoberto Arroyave, Secretary of Mobility of Bello, the man driving the car ran a red light, colliding with the motorcycle. The official affirmed that the occupants of the motorcycle, Robinson Andrés Rodríguez and Daniel Quiñonez Aguilar, are in the Intensive Care Unit at the North Clinic with a reserved prognosis.

As reported by El Tiempo, the 28-year-old Venezuelan barbecue grill is in critical condition.

After the accident, the car was chased by drivers who would be relatives of the seriously injured men. On the run, the 23-year-old man collided with two more vehicles. In the flight, the man and his two companions reached the city of Medellín.

For the arrest of the young man, the authorities had to close the roads and, at the height of Castilla, they were intercepted. At the time, a fight broke out between the relatives of the motorcyclists and the people who were aboard the vehicle.

In the video, you can see the deteriorated state of the car and a man hitting the man responsible for hitting the motorcyclists. After this, the authorities separated the fight and took the young man to the same health center to carry out a blood test and a urine test to determine if he was under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances.

“The municipal transit units of Bello are presented to this place, and the person is handed over to them, who was taken to a health establishment for the breathalyzer test”, explained the citizen security operative commander of the Medellín Metropolitan Police, José Galindo.

After carrying out the pertinent tests, it is known that the man is at liberty and, according to Secretary Arroyave, the results of these tests are still not available.

“What we know is that those affected, who were the driver and the barbecue of the motorcycle, have not filed any complaint, so those who were in the private vehicle are free”, Arroyave told El Tiempo. While what he says is true, it should be noted that the men who are victims of the recklessness of the driver are in ICU and have had to undergo surgery due to the multiple fractures left by the impact.

According to RCN Radio reports, in a statement, Secretary Arroyave confirmed that the young man agreed to have ingested alcoholic beverages before being part of the collision and subsequent persecution.

Despite the multiple collisions, so far no deaths caused by the recklessness of the driver have been recorded. It is expected that the official opinion of the breathalyzer tests will be known in the afternoon or night of this Saturday, January 2.


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