Icfes publishes schedule of tests Saber 11 Calendar B, Pre Saber and Validants 2020 • La Nación


The more than 102 thousand people who were to take the State exams on March 15 will be summoned to these tests. The tests were postponed at that time due to the health situation in the country. The citations will be published on Friday, October 2.

The Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education-Icfes informs that from Friday, October 2, those enrolled in the tests Know 11th Calendar B and Validation of Academic Baccalaureate will be able to consult the appointment to these tests scheduled for Sunday, October 18, 2020.

Citations to the Pre Saber test will also be available, which, as a novelty, will also be offered electronically and AT HOME from Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 October. Those registered for this exam have already filled out a form of technical requirements to be able to present it from home and those students who do not have a computer equipment with the necessary requirements will be able to present it on site on October 18.

“With the decision of the national government to return to the new normal, we meticulously adjusted the operation of the Icfes to apply a biosafety protocol adopted by the Ministry of Health for state tests and that allows the test to be presented with all possible prevention measures . We must continue evaluating the quality of education and that is why the test will be held on October 18, “said the general director of Icfes, Mónica Ospina Londoño.

“The consultation of the summons to know the exam site is very simple and is done through our website icfes.gov.co,” he said.

Of the more than 102 thousand cited for the tests postponed on March 15, more than 74 thousand students enrolled in the Saber 11 Calendar B test, 23 thousand students from grades 9 and 10 in the Pre Saber test and 4 thousand citizens over 18 years of age will seek to achieve the bachelor’s degree with the Validation of the Academic Baccalaureate test.

The entity also informs that those students who need to make a change of municipality can submit an application via PQRS to the Institute, before October 2, requesting the change of application site in relation to the one requested in the registration process for the test of the March, 15th. The link is the following: http://atencionciudadano.icfes.gov.co/pqr/radicar.php

“The Saber 11 test provides educational institutions with important data on their educational process and pedagogical practices, in addition to allowing higher education to better understand the competencies of each student to focus their educational process; It is an essential instrument for making decisions about education with metrics and data on its processes. In addition, it is a requirement for entry to higher education and can provide other benefits such as Generation E, access to scholarships, among other incentives. Therefore, it is essential that the enrolled students present the test to have information that contributes to defining strategies to improve educational quality ”, recalled the Director General of Icfes.

Additionally, the Entity considers it pertinent to clarify that Decree 532 of 2020 exempted the people registered for the Saber 11 exam from the requirement to present it for admission to undergraduate higher education programs, but kept the duty to do it on the date that was established. the Icfes. For this reason, all those enrolled in this test must apply it on October 18 as a duty with the country’s education.

The individual results will be published on the icfes.gov.co portal on Saturday, December 19, 2020 for the Saber 11 ° B test and on Saturday, December 26, 2020 for Pre-Saber and Validants, the latter can also download their respective diploma, at case of passing the exam.
