I took off my overalls because it got bloodied: Gareth Steven Sella


The young man, who has already left the San Ignacio clinic, received 50 days of disability. He explained that he changed his clothes, because the overalls he had got covered with blood, because of his wound. This is his story.

After two days since he was injured in the middle of the protests that took place last Wednesday, February 24 in the capital, Gareth Steven Sella spoke to tell how he was injured, what is his current health status and why he changed the clothes he was wearing put on during the demonstrations.

In a dialogue with Blue Radio, the 24-year-old filmmaker assured that he had been shot when he was on 23rd Street with Seventh Street. “I turned around and they shot me there, I felt the extremely strong blow to my face and it started to move, to run. I touched my eye and realized that I could not see. I was quite scared, ”explained the young man.

Sella assured that the medical diagnosis given to him at the San Ignacio Clinic shows that the wound was caused by the impact of a weapon. “They have it very clear (the doctors). Wounds speak, this was not a stone. God wishes it had been a stone, suddenly it would have cut me a little, a couple of points and everything was fine. But this wound is deep, it is a wound from an impact that removed everything inside the eye ”, he indicated.

>>> Read: “I was a victim of police brutality”: Gareth Sella

The young man also spoke about his change of clothes, a fact that the Bogotá Police released through videos in which the filmmaker is seen taking off a jumpsuit, a helmet and a mask after being injured in the demonstrations.

“I did not change my clothes, I took off an antifluid overall that had a lot of blood because I was running down the street bleeding a lot and clearly, after receiving an impact from Esmad, the least you want is to have them close, you have half a face Asleep, you are dizzy, wanting to vomit and all you want to do is go to a hospital. I have nothing to hide, if I had I would not have gone to a hospital, because as I say, wounds speak, “he said.

It should be remembered that Gareth Steven used this clothing because he is part of Escudos Azules, which is a movement of protesters that takes the first line in protests to maintain order. Simona, one of the leaders of this movement, spoke yesterday with The viewer Y He explained that all the people who are part of Escudos Azules hide their identity, since they assure that their movement is the victim of persecution and harassment, and going out to march with bare faces represents a risk of being profiled and suffering violent consequences.

You may be interested in: Gareth Steven changed clothes after being injured in protests in Bogotá, police say

At the moment Gareth Steven was given 50 days of disability and would have to undergo further surgeries in the future. Although he did not lose his eye, doctors predict that he will lose 90% of his vision. On the other hand, in the face of questions about whether or not the protocol issued by the District for the attention of social mobilizations was complied with, the Bogotá Police defended itself, ensuring that it only intervened in the protest when some protesters began to attack uniformed men. the institution.

What happened on the afternoon of February 24 is the object of investigation by the Police, the District and the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation.
