“I did not sneak in, I was prioritized”: said a young political scientist vaccinated against COVID in Bogotá


In a statement, Carolina Cárdenas, the young woman who was vaccinated against COVID-19 and who is not part of the health personnel of the first line, explained that an email arrived in which she was cited to be immunized, since she works with older adults .

Carolina Cárdenas, the young political scientist and contractor of the District, accused of having sneaked into the vaccination against COVID-19 in Bogotá, met the rain of criticism that fell after having published on social networks the application certificate of the first dose of Pfizer.

Despite not belonging to the first line of medical care, much less being an adult over 80 years old, she said through a statement that she did not sneak in and that she was prioritized, as she received a notification to receive the biological, because works with adults over 80 years old.

In his statement, he explains that he does not know the mayor Claudia López or the Secretary of Health of Bogotá, Alejandro Gómez, since it was suggested that he had “lever” to receive the dose. However, he acknowledged being a contractor for the Ministry of Health since May 28, 2019.

“I am one more civil servant, whom they do not even know and that now they distinguish by this controversy. Nor do I have a relationship of any kind with any official or president of the country, who can move their influence to give me some kind of priority, “he clarified.

>>> Read: It slipped !: A young contractor, who is not part of the health personnel, was vaccinated against COVID-19 in Bogotá

Cárdenas explained that he does community work in person with people over 80, who are more vulnerable to the virus. “I have contact with around 400 older adults a month, a population that has been hit hard by the pandemic, not only physically, but mentally (…)”

And he questioned: “If a relative of you, an older adult, performs activities with me and I am not vaccinated, am I not putting this person or his or her family’s life at risk? Or does having a profession as a political scientist make me immune?

Additionally, the young woman explained that for more than two weeks she has been in stage 2 of prioritization in My Vaccine, the page enabled by the Ministry of Health for the Vaccination Plan in the country.

“I published a story on my Instagram and Facebook, as many people who have had the opportunity to get vaccinated have done, with the aim of inviting my contacts to leave the stigmas created by the vaccination issue (…) I did not close my networks as they advised me to do so, because I do not have to hide or fear that I am committing a crime ”, he concluded.

PASTURE: Government warns sanctions against those who fail to comply with the vaccination plan

The Secretary of Health of Bogotá, Alejandro Gómez, assured that the case is being investigated by the entity to clarify the situation. It is worth remembering that, according to the Superintendency of Health indicated weeks ago that those glued in the vaccination line they will have to pay fines of up to 2,000 current legal monthly minimum wages and the institutions that allow it, up to 8,000 minimum wages.
