Humpback whale almost ate two women who were kayaking in the United States – People – Culture


Humpback whale watching is a whole plan: It is to meet directly with nature, it is to appreciate the beauty of majestic animals, it is to value the resources of the world in which we live and, in some cases, it can be the possibility of having a really scary time.

Yes, as you read it and proof of it was what happened to Julie McSorley and Liz Cottriel, who were almost swallowed by one of these whales … Although it must be clarified that the interest of the cetacean was not precisely women.

(We recommend: Strong images of whole animals that are sold in supermarkets).

The facts

On Monday, November 2, Julie and Liz went for a kayak trip along the coast of Avila Beach, in San Luis Obispo County (US state of California).

(You may be interested: Plague of crab clones invades cemetery in Belgium).

The idea they had was to spot some humpback whales in that area of ​​their country, that connects with the full Pacific Ocean.

To remember the experience, they filmed everything that happened with their cell phones: the whales jumped several meters from them and the atmosphere was calm, but, in a matter of seconds, they were terrified.

Suddenly, a school of small fish rioted around their kayak and the next thing they saw was the large mouth of a humpback trying to hunt for their food. The huge animal didn’t care what was around, it just wanted to feed!

The situation was recorded and the images continue with disturbed water and the occasional fish passing by.

(See also: ‘Winged Tarantula’, the strange animal that causes amazement (and fright)).

“You’re good?”, one of them is heard asking. “Yeah all right”, the other responds.

(Can you see us from the app? Here you can see the video of the moment of the whale’s ‘attack’).

Here you can see the moment when the two women almost fell into the whale’s mouth, but recorded from another kayak:

(If you read us from the app, see the other video here).

They lived to tell

As Liz told the channel ‘Kmph-TV’, when she saw the humpback she tried to ‘push her’ …

“I told myself that I had to push her, but how can I push a whale! I thought she was dead and then I noticed she was in the water ”, the woman in the middle commented.

(Also read: Albino and Cyclops baby shark caught in Indonesia).

Julie, for her part, asserted that still “I have an adrenaline rush (…) I saw it, literally, on my face, but then I noticed that I was floating.”

After the moment, they were helped by other people who were in the area and were able to return to shore to tell their incredible story.

“We thought that the whale had swallowed the kayak, but it was not like that”, closed.

