Human Ken reaches 1,000 plastic surgery, this is his transformation – People – Culture


The American Justin jedlica, known under the nickname of ‘Human Ken‘, she reached her 1,000th cosmetic surgery.

With this new intervention, the sum of money that he has spent in the multiple operations to modify his body and face reaches the 985 thousand dollars (approximately 3.5 billion Colombian pesos).

(Read also: Man removed his nose and a lip to look like an alien).

(If you read us from the app, see here a photo of Jedlica’s current face).

Jedlica, who has been searching for ‘perfection’ for years, has modified, on several occasions, cheekbones, nose, lips, chin, chest, arms, abdomen, among many other parts of your body. With this new surgery, a part that had never been touched by the scalpel was operated: the legs.

The operation consisted of introducing eight implants customized in shape and volume, four on each leg, to shape the look of your thighs and calves.

In this way, he becomes the first person in the world to receive so many implants in the same surgical procedure.

(You may be interested: Demi Moore and more shocking ‘face changes’ of celebrities lately).

(If you read us from the app see here the publication of the ‘Human Ken’).

There are people who have operated their thighs, their twins … but putting them all at the same time in surgery is the first time“said the surgeon in charge of his 1,000th operation, Barry Epley, in a report by ‘Hooked on the look’, from the channel ‘Truly Show’, in which the intervention and the recovery process were shown.

The ‘human Ken’ already he has 23 implants in his body, which means that the 15% of your body is not real. Epley let him know this during the show.

10 years ago I had the idea to have a leg augmentation. It has been very exciting because no one has ever done it before (…) I will stay in the cosmetic surgery books“Jedlica commented in the report.

The ‘human Ken’, who has received all the support of his mother and friends, had to spend a week in a wheelchair and 6 months in an arduous process of recovery. “I know that I will continue to modify my body, I know that I will never stop“said Jedlica, who was happy with the final result of her legs.

(We recommend reading: DJ Marcela Reyes had a prosthesis exploded and had to be operated on).

Human ken

This was the ‘Human Ken’ operation number 1,000.


Video Capture ‘Truly Show’

The man of 40 years, he had his first cosmetic surgery on 18 years. It was a Rhinoplasty to modify his nose for which he had to wait to be of legal age since his parents did not support him at that time.

Since then, every part of her body has changed and does not plan to stop.I continue my modification journey. The process itself is cathartic for me (…) Restructuring the contours of my face and body in an effort to personalize myself persists as I grow as an individual. I plan to continue presenting the optimal version of myself“he writes on his website.

His obsession with transformation began as a teenager, when he saw the program ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous’. Jedlica understood body contouring and cosmetic surgery as an emblem in the lifestyles of the richest and most glamorous.

(Read on: Elianis Garrido’s reaction to seeing her new nose).

