How will the return to classes of the public schools of Bogotá – Bogotá


As confirmed by Mayor Claudia López on Monday, students from public schools in Bogotá will return in 2021. The date of the start of classes will be January 25 with the respective protocols and processes agreed with each institution.

Teachers are summoned to begin with the protocols that they have agreed with all the biosafety measures that the Ministry of Education will provide them. No one made a greater sacrifice this year than the boys and girls of Bogotá; the other year we are going to sacrifice a little for them, “said the mayor.

(You may be interested in: Claudia López: ‘Public schools open on January 25’)

Although, at the moment, the Ministry of Education is working on the final document that gives the guidelines for the return, there are already some first clues.

According to the District Secretary of Education, until December 18, 2020, the following had been enabled for the face-to-face provision of the educational service:

380 kindergartens and private schools
31 District Educational Institutions
16 SENA headquarters
100 Institutions of Education for Work and Human Development
62 Institutions of Higher Education.

This from a total of 589 educational institutions. However, the institutions can still advance their qualification process in the system.

“The Ministry of Education, in coordination with the Local Directorates of Education, advanced a” crash plan “of accompaniment visits to the enrollment and qualification process to 171 District Educational Institutions. The district has 56 schools in the process of qualification, of which 25 of them participated in the pilot process R-GPS 2020“added the Secretariat.

(To continue reading: ‘We hope that in 2021 all schools will open their doors’)

What does enlistment require?

On the biosecurity side, the enlistment of public schools includes the provision of masks to their students, the provision of dispensers of glyceride alcohol, soap, and paper towels, shoe disinfection mats and portable sinks for children and adults.

Further, The District expects to guarantee cleaning and disinfection with 5,252 cleaning managers, 101 coordinators, 114 maintenance workers and 21 assistants.

In the case of the schools that, due to infrastructure, were not yet ready to assume the presence, Education assured that they are already “executing the contracts for the improvement of 100 of these educational centers, with local repairs in terms of bathrooms, roofs, improvement of classrooms and recreation spaces, learning spaces for early childhood, among others “.

(Further: Those who say yes to return to school in person)

On the training side, there will be “new guidelines for the consolidation of curricular flexibility and evaluation processes within the framework of R-GPS 2021”. Social-emotional education will also be worked on for reunion.

However, as was said from the beginning, all this will be agreed with the dialogue with the educational community. And, again, the specific details of the return will be known later.

What the Secretary of Education has said

In an interview with EL TIEMPO, the Secretary of Education, Edna Bonilla, highlighted in November that this process would be gradual, progressive and safe. In addition, he indicated that the 2020 pilots’ learnings would be taken to make improvements in 2021:

This task of co-responsibility among all the members of the educational communities and the education sector, must materialize in an adequate preparation at the curricular level and school organization, the participation and active communication between all the members and instances of the educational community, the presentation , validation and compliance with biosafety protocols and all those elements and actions that guarantee an adequate process.

It is important to highlight that, during this year, due to the nature of official educational institutions, a special and differentiated process was carried out in relation to the process of private educational institutions and kindergartens, HEIs and IETDH. Therefore, based on the accumulated experience, the SED will work and accompany in the remainder of the year and in 2021 so that all district schools successfully complete their habilitation process with the firm intention that public education continues to be the essential instrument for closing social, cultural, educational gaps and a support in the mental and emotional health of the communities “.

