How to combat weight gain during the pandemic (beyond diet and exercise)


Editor’s Note: Dr. Melina Jampolis is a board certified and internist medical nutrition specialist and the author of several books, including “Spice Up, Slim Down.”

(CNN) – Quarantined life is challenging, to say the least, and we are all struggling mentally, emotionally, and physically. No one would blame you for the temptation to give up your diet and exercise plan and instead grab a pot of ice cream while compulsively watching that tiger show that everyone is talking about.

But health experts strongly recommend that you do everything you can to prevent excessive weight gain during this terrifying and historic time.

Dr. David Buchin, director of bariatric surgery at Huntington Hospital, observes that a large percentage of patients fighting covid-19 in the medical center’s intensive care unit are obese. Patients who are obese are especially difficult to care for, he said, since treatment involves turning them upside down regularly to optimize lung function. Additionally, a recent study found that in patients younger than 60 years, obesity doubled the risk of hospitalization for covid-19.

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I’m not suggesting starting a strict diet or intense exercise program while you’re in quarantine, but there are some simple things you can do to prevent weight gain and protect yourself not only from covid-19 related complications, but also from diseases like like diabetes and heart disease that will continue to be two of the leading causes of death after we overcome this pandemic.

Shop smart

When it comes to shopping in quarantine, it’s important to get organized, especially when it comes to eating enough fruits and vegetables (if you can, try eating five servings a day). Buy a mix of fresh, frozen, and canned goods that last at least a week or more.

Eat fresh produce first, then frozen and canned ones. Rinse canned vegetables to reduce sodium, and be sure to eat fresh or frozen fruits daily, as the vitamin C content of canned fruits and vegetables, which is important for health and immunity, is less than fresh or frozen.

Chef Devin Alexander, who dropped 30 kilograms decades ago and has not gone back up, has some great tips for buying on a budget and managing quarantine cravings. When buying products, for example, unlike most other items, he suggested looking for the items on sale.

Ways to manage the anxiety of eating in quarantine 2:19

Watermelon and berries go on sale in summer because they are in season and therefore very abundant. It’s also when they taste best, so you can make amazing desserts without the need to add a ton of sugar.

Alexander also recommended having coleslaw on hand for when the savory cravings arrive. Her recipe for coriander and orange cabbage salad, available on her website, satisfies that desire to eat something salty and crisp in a way that’s really good for your health. It helps if you pour yourself a serving or two of vegetables, and it might prevent you from “needing” to eat a packet of potato chips. Plus, cabbage and carrots are budget friendly, last for weeks, and are loaded with nutrients that support the immune system.

When you get home from the store, be sure to put healthier foods in easier-to-see places in your kitchen. Food cravings and hunger can be triggered just by looking at them, so keep the most forgiving foods out of sight, and hopefully out of your mind, on the top shelf of cabinets, in the back of the refrigerator or at the bottom of the freezer.

Manage stress

During this global crisis it is even more important than ever to find ways to overcome stress and manage anxiety.

I know, it’s not easy. Balancing home schooling, financial challenges, claustrophobia, social isolation, and illness is stressful, but stress can contribute to poor diet and increase fat in the abdomen (under the muscle) that can contribute to heart disease and diabetes, even more than the fat that lies directly under your skin.

Practice mindfulness, which means doing your best to live in the present instead of worrying too much about the future. That’s the advice of Joanne Koegl, a licensed marriage and family therapist who tells her patients to take time out of their day to focus on simple things like the warmth of the sun, the beauty of a flower, the taste of a bite. of chocolate or a child’s laugh.

Koegl recommended apps and websites like Headspace, Calm, The Tapping Solution (a self-administered therapy based on Chinese acupressure that can help calm the nervous system) and breathing, a therapy from anxiety expert Dr. Jud Brewer. These resources and others are offering free services focused on covid-19 related anxiety and stress management.

False information about coronavirus creates anxiety 4:05

You can also practice basic self-care to control anxiety and relieve stress. Take a hot bath, find a quiet place in your house and have a cup of tea; Get some exercise, call an old friend, or consider volunteering if it’s safe. Helping others also gives you a sense of purpose and joy.

If you’re really struggling with anxiety, there are mental health telemedicine options like Doctor on Demand and crisis hotlines available in major cities across the country. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to seek professional help.

Sleep well

Both excess sleep and inadequate sleep have been linked to weight gain, increased appetite, and worsening blood sugar control, so try not to completely abandon your sleep schedule by staying up late. , sleep until noon or stay up all night watching television.

Try to stay on a relatively normal sleep schedule, experts recommend. This is much easier to do if you follow basic sleep principles, such as avoiding excess alcohol before bed, keeping your room as dark as possible and keeping it at around 18.3 degrees Celsius, and exercising regularly. Turn off the news (and put the phone away) in the hours before bed.

Move more

Spending so much time at home has another unforeseen consequence. You are burning far fewer calories in your daily life than before quarantine, regardless of whether you exercise daily.

Sitting in front of the computer for hours, whether it’s making Zoom work calls or socializing, and staying home in the evenings and weekends compulsively watching television, and shopping and socializing online, all easily add up to burning several hundred of calories less each day through activity and exercise, which is often higher than intentional exercise for most people. It is essential to incorporate more movement and be less sitting every day.

Buchin tells his patients to commit to doing a certain amount of exercise to “earn” their television. For example, for every movie they watch, they should incorporate 20 minutes of some form of activity that could be cleaning, playing with their family, gardening, or even just standing up while on the phone or participating in a Zoom call.

I have been using my Apple Watch more than ever lately. I appreciate the reminder to stand up every hour for at least one minute and the ability to track my general daily activity in addition to exercise.

If you don’t have a fitness device, set a timer on your phone or even your microwave to remind you to get up every hour and walk around the house, go up and down the stairs multiple times, or just do some stretching on the place before you sit down again.

As we repeatedly hear on the news, we are all in this together, and I hope that with these tips, you and your loved ones can maintain your weight and stay fit, healthy and perhaps even a little less stressed during this global pandemic.
