How the Coronavirus Vaccine Career Advances


In these days of uncertainty generated by the pandemic, three countries are successfully developing the covid-19 vaccine.

May 3, 2020 3:51 PMBy:

Dozens of scientific teams work rapidly around the world to find the covid-19 vaccine. The speed with which the investigations are being carried out allows that today there are six vaccines that are already being tested.

And it is that there are more than 90 scientific teams working on experimental vaccines, six of them have advanced and today they are doing tests. A race against time to effectively carry out tests in humans carried out in three phases.

See also: Coronavirus vaccine already successful in monkeys

In the first, The vaccine is administered to a small number of volunteers and the immune response it causes is studied. For the second, it is tested on a larger group of people with similar characteristics. To whom the vaccine is directed, taking into account age and physical health.

And, in the third phase, trials are conducted on tens of thousands of people around the world and it is determined whether the vaccine is safe and effective against the disease.

The countries that are leading these investigations with a vaccine are China, the United States and the United Kingdom. For its part, the United States is advancing the development of two vaccines based on the injection of RNA fragments, that is, that is produced with the virus that causes covid-19 and on the direct injection of DNA through a plasmid.

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The vaccine “produces the protein that encapsulates the virus and against which the body produces antibodies, that is, it produces defenses to protect us,” explains Carlos Álvarez, specialist in Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology.

China concentrates on three vaccines, consisting of finding the medicine that could end the viral strain.

“What they do is stimulate these cells to take care of waking up the immune system to produce antibodies against the virus,” adds Álvarez.

See also: They prepare a million doses of potential coronavirus vaccine

For now, the UK is dedicating its efforts to a vaccine that, according to the University of Oxford, could be ready in September.

According to experts, only time can conclude the effectiveness of these vaccines. That will only be the first step, the next challenge will be to produce millions of doses to start fighting the pandemic worldwide.
