How much do Colombians who want to return have to pay for plane tickets – Government – Politics


An alarming situation seems to be living Colombians who continue abroad due to high costs they have to pay if they want to return to the country. There are air tickets that exceed, in some cases, $ 3,000.

The situation was denounced by several congressmen in a virtual session of the First Committee of the Senate, in which the chancellor, Claudia Blum, was present, and other cases were revealed through social networks in recent days.

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The senator for the ‘greens’ Angélica Lozano told EL TIEMPO that these compatriots are actually facing three problems: get a flight that transports them from the country they are in to Colombia; pay the tickets, which in many cases have high costs, and survive in the difficult circumstances that exist in some nations.
I don’t know
“The great anguish of the people is the price,” said Lozano, who explained that many Colombians “cannot pay the fare” that the airlines are charging them, which, according to her, “in some cases is between $ 1,000 or $ 2,000.”

According to senator from the Mira Carlos Eduardo Guevara party, there are Colombians in some parts of the world who have to pay tickets “that exceed 3,000 dollars.”

Through social networks, Colombian Marta Gloria García, who said she was trapped in India, denounced that for her return to Colombia the airline is charging her “$ 2,700”, almost 11 million pesos.

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In this sense, several congressmen stated that just as there are nationals in India, there are also in Mexico, Peru, the United States, Russia and several countries in Europe and asked for the collaboration of the Foreign Ministry to facilitate their return.

What does the Chancellery say?

Faced with these alarming complaints, the chancellor, Claudia Blum, stated that there are 9,544 Colombians who have registered in different countries asking for some type of support.

He explained that within the humanitarian work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this situation is to facilitate “obtaining permits for the departure of flights in countries that have restrictions” on account of the measures taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

And added that for humanitarian flights, the Foreign Ministry “has contacted 9 airlines to find out which operator can make each trip and at what costs to try to define more favorable rates for trapped travelers.”

In the next few days it will be known if the airlines that are charging these high rates agree to lower them and several compatriots trapped abroad and want to return their families can do it at more affordable prices.

