How does it work and how much is it worth?


Likewise, Vega said in El Tiempo that the electronic card, which will have the same value as the duplicate (45,000 pesos), it will make life easier for citizens when doing paperwork and will be used to vote digitally.

According to the official, the digital document will avoid identity theft, it will be much more secure than the current ID and it can also be carried on the cell phone. However, it will not be mandatory to have it.

“The new electronic card will be at the highest level of security regarding identification documents in the world. It will be produced with the latest technology materials and processes, which will facilitate access to procedures and services before public and private entities in a digital or virtual way, thus allowing biometric authentication. Also, The Colombian will be able to enable the digital ID on his mobile phone, which will have the same validity as the physical documentThe registrar said.


To exercise the right to vote with the electronic document, Vega explained in the newspaper, the citizen will be able to go to the polling station and identify himself biometrically, or use it to vote in a remote manner.

Citizens interested in acquiring this document, which will be delivered from November, must request it from the National Registry, “through the duplicate process and through the different channels that the entity has,” added the interviewee.

The current ID will continue to function as ordinary and Colombians will be able to have both (the digital and the physical) if they wish.
