How can you travel in quarantine by road – Government – Politics


There are many people who for some reason need to make an inter-municipal trip. Therefore, the Ministry of Transport clarified in which cases it can do so.

This entity indicated that you can make an inter-municipal trip if you are within the 46 exceptions of Decree 636, which allow circulation during the mandatory preventive isolation, which runs until May 25. In this way you can move by complying with biosecurity measures such as the use of masks and social distancing.

(See here what are the 46 exceptions of Decree 636)

Additionally, the Ministry of Transportation arranged a form for Colombians to review if they are part of the excepted activities.

With this, people will be able to identify, with greater certainty, whether their displacement is excepted according to the regulations issued by the Government to face the health emergency.

On the other hand, Carmen Ligia Valderrama, Vice Minister of Transportation, warned that “neither the Ministry of Transportation, nor the Logistics and Transportation Center are issuing permits to mobilize. We all know that we should stay home and only those who are within the excepted activities can move, always complying with biosafety protocols defined for the different modes of transport and the reactivated sectors ”.

(Read: Find out how much it is worth and where you can get tested for covid-19 in your city)

Displacements can also be done in private vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles, a very good alternative as it generates a natural physical distance and helps to decongest other modes of transport. In these media, the biosecurity measures defined in the protocols should also be used, such as the use of face masks and frequent hand washing.

The form can be found by clicking here (it only works from the cell phone).

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