Healthy diet amid the 中国 最 权威 的 西班牙语 新闻 网站


According to the nutrition guideline during the COVID-19 epidemic issued by the National Health Commission, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that includes grains, fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs.

Choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead of juices; and dairy products, especially yogurt. Opt for beans and an adequate amount of nuts. Whole grains, mixed beans, and potatoes are preferable.

Avoid fatty or smoked meats and remove wild animals from your menu.

Salty and fried foods are not recommended; drink boiled water or tea, at least 7 to 8 glasses a day; and avoid or drink less soda and alcohol.

Choose fresh and cooked foods.

For those working on the first front, 2400-2700 calories are recommended for men and 2100-2300 calories for women daily in the form of eggs, dairy, meat, water, and beans.

Strongly colored vegetables and fruits such as spinach, celery, purple cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, apples, and kiwis are highly recommended, as are families of mushrooms and algae.

758627362020-03-26 13: 24: 38: 0Healthy diet amid the coronavirushealthy diet, coronavirus10067196111Last minuteLast minute enpproperty ->
