He shared a moving photo with his mother in the ICU hours before she died of COVID


A woman shared a moving photo with her mother, both hospitalized for coronavirus COVID-1 9, hours before she died after presenting complications: “Don’t let this happen to you,” he warned.

Anabel Sharma, 49, lives in England and caught the virus after her 12-year-old son contracted it on his return to school, at the end of last October. Her husband Bharat and their other children also fell ill: Jacob, 22, and Noah, 10.

“The speed with which COVID-19 swept through our family was terrifying. Anyone can get it and it’s roulette if you will survive ”, he told the British newspaper ‘The Mirror’.

Although They had been extremely careful because the grandmother – María Rico, 76 – had some comorbidities, she also ended up infected.

As the days went by, Anabel suffered difficulty breathing and fainted, so she was taken to a medical center. At that time they also decided to take their mother to avoid complications.

There they were admitted to the ICU without being able to see each other, but after two weeks Maria’s health had deteriorated, so the health personnel decided to put their beds together and tell Anabel her mother’s decision to sign the document not to be resurrected.

At that moment they took the photo that makes history today: mother and daughter are seen holding hands and connected to assisted breathing apparatus. Not even 24 hours passed when Maria passed away.

Added to the pain of losing his mother in such a short time and fighting against an invisible enemy, he could not soon have the comfort of his family, as he left the hospital only a month later.

Today his lungs are severely damaged and he needs to use oxygen to move, however, he takes advantage of send a heartfelt message to the irresponsible.

“If someone is thinking of breaking the rules, I urge you to put yourself in my shoes and think about what it would be like to see your mother die or be told that you couldn’t live.”
