He died of a coronavirus doctor who worked in the south of Bogotá


Dr. Barragán was diagnosed with coronavirus and several days ago he was being treated at the San Ignacio Hospital. However, this Sunday he lost the battle against the disease.

“Together with the team from the Subred Centro Oriente, we express with deep pain the loss of a exceptional man and professional, whom we will remember forever. We accompany his family and friends in this painful moment and we extend all our solidarity to them, “said the Secretary of Health of Bogotá in a statement.


In the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality, 166 out of the 4,028 coronavirus cases throughout Bogotá have been confirmed.

This weekend it was learned that there are more than almost 700 health workers infected with COVID-19.

Until this Saturday, the Ministry of Health confirmed that 445 Colombians have died since the coronavirus arrived in the country two months ago.
