He allegedly died of COVID-19 and, when opening the coffin, the body was handcuffed and beaten


Family members ask that the facts be investigated. The Legal Medicine report says that the man died of intestinal bleeding.

Luis Iván Mejía, 30, was deprived of liberty in El Salvador, accused of participating in the murder of a soldier in April, when his family received a call informing them that he had been transferred to a hospital for health complications.

Her sister went to the Santa Teresa medical center, in the city of Zacatecoluca, and upon arrival was told that Luis had died, but neither the police nor the local employees allowed her to approach the body.

“They told us that he had died of coronavirus and that we should not veil it or open the box, but on the paper they gave us it said something else. In addition, if he had died of that coronavirus, they would not have delivered it to us, but rather the hospital would have taken him to bury, “Adela Mejía, the man’s mother, told El Salvador.com.

Due to the doubts of some relatives who said that Luis was a healthy man, they decided to open the coffin just before burying him and at that moment they realized the situation that surprised them: “the body presented blows, blood flowed from the eyes, the entire face was bloody and wrapped in a white sheet. His teeth were knocked out, as if they had wanted to pull them out, and not even the handcuffs had been removed ”.

Due to the discovery, they took some photos to attach to the complaint and buried him awaiting responses from the authorities.

For their part, the police affirm that the man had presented a fever and body pain days before and decided to transfer him to the hospital after he vomited with blood and a high fever. Upon arriving at the medical center, according to them, he had already died.

Regarding the handcuffs, they affirmed that they were not removed for health reasons due to the conjuncture of COVID-19.

Luis’s family and friends ask the Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the death and the investigation process for which he was captured along with nine other people.
