Gypsy moth, the other giant insect that worries the United States | Ecology


During the last hours the governor of the state of Washington added another insect to the list of ‘threats’ that this part of the United States has received recently.

During the first days of May scientists from this state, reported the arrival of the gigante giant Asian hornet ’, after the death of thousands of normal bees. So far it is unknown how this insect got there, since it is native to some countries of the Asian continent.

The G gypsy moth ’that is not native to this country, has appeared in large numbers, which is why Governor Jay Inslee declared an emergency as they are considered “Imminent danger of an infestation”.

“This imminent danger of infestation puts the agricultural and horticultural industries of Washington state at serious risk and seriously threatens the economic well-being and quality of life of the state’s residents, “the governor said in the official statement.

This gypsy moth has two varieties, the ‘Asian Gypsy Moth’ and the ‘Hybrid Gypsy Moth (Asian-European), They are pests that can cause significant damage to different crops.

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, assured that “large infestations (of Asian gypsy moth) can completely defoliate trees

Such “defoliation can severely weaken trees and shrubs, making them more susceptible to disease. Repeated defoliation can lead to the death of large sections of forests, orchards and gardens. “

Furthermore, it is known that females can lay hundreds of eggs per day, and by becoming caterpillars they will kill more than 500 tree species, bushes and crops.

They also assured that this animal it can fly long distances, so there is a risk that they will spread rapidly throughout the country.
