Guardians study to file contempt for apologies from the Ministry of Defense – Courts – Justice


Signatories of the guardianship that led to the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice on respect for the right to peaceful protest and relatives of victims did not receive satisfactorily the pronouncement of the Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, in which he carried out one of the orders of the failure.

(In context: In response to an order from the Court, the defense ministry reiterates its pardon of September 11)

It transpired that they are carefully analyzing the minister’s response to evaluate the possibility of going to court again and pointing out that the guardianship ruling was not complied with. In the next few hours, they will define if they take that step.

Jomary Ortegón, representative of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar), petitioner of the guardianship, declared himself dissatisfied with the minister’s apology.

(You may be interested in: The intense legal debate that opened the Court’s ruling on protests)

“It would be expected of those who represent the Military Forces that, in an act of respect for the victims, reflect repentance, an announcement of corrections and refer specifically to the facts that are the object of the protection action,” said Ortegón.

Added that Trujillo should have referred to the victims, to particular events “and not to a generic pardon, pointing out that it covers acts of the future and the past.”.

(Read also: Defense Ministry reiterates “expression of forgiveness” from two weeks ago)

The lawyer Alirio Uribe, who contributed to the guardianship, pointed out that the statement was “too loose, general and slight”, although he acknowledged that the ruling did not say in what terms the apologies had to be given.

“It would have been preferable if it were more vehement and more precise. Besides, he did not mention the excesses of the police last year, “said Uribe after noting that” it could hardly be said that he did not comply.

And Denis Cruz, sister of Dilan Cruz, who died in the 2019 protests by a shot by Esmad, said in a video posted on social media that he did not accept the minister’s excuses.

(In addition: Government will request that the Constitutional Court review guardianship over protests)

“He tries to extend the apologies that the Police assumed in a limited way for the murder of Javier Ordóñez, but he wants us to understand that these apologies cover all the mistakes made by the Police from its creation until the end of time,” he said, and added: “with his words, he mocks the victims, the law and justice.”

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