Governor of Magdalena did not pass a check of his claims | 6AM Today for Today


The Hospital academic Julio Méndez Barreneche de Santa Marta was intervened by the Health Superintendence for mismanagement and others 59 findings of ineffectiveness and possible corruption. From now on, and for a year, this hospital will be in charge of a special agent intervener who was appointed by Supersalud and who will seek stabilize finances, correct administrative problems, payment and staffing. This decision of the Supersalud Fabio Aristizabal generated a verbal confrontation with the Governor of Magdalena, Carlos Caicedo, that was recorded on video.

I was intimidated by the Governor of Magdalena and his team: SuperSalud

At 6AM on Radio Snail the two protagonists spoke, the Superintendent Aristizabal and the Governor of Magdalena Carlos Caicedo. We decided to do a verification of 7 affirmations that during the interview did the governor.

Caicedo, who came to the governorate with the support of his left movement Citizen Force, accused Aristizabal of being the “czar” of health in the department, critical the appointment of the special agent interventor in the university hospital because his I work in the hospital department of Meta no “left nothing good” and he said he has no research in Prosecutor’s Office due to cost overruns in food distributed during mandatory preventive isolation. He also spoke of his good work to contain the pandemic in the department and in the health centers it has built.

Health in Magdalena has been managed by the political class: Governor

We find two truths, three inaccuracies and two affirmations that are misleading by the Governor of Magdalena. We chose three statements on investigations by control agencies such as the attorney general’s office and the prosecution, two on the decision made by the superintendent of health Fabio Aristizabal and two on Caicedo’s performance in front of his department
