Governor Clara Luz Roldán reports that she was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer


September 14, 2020 – 12:14 pm

Newsroom of El País

The governor of Valle, Clara Luz Roldán, reported this Monday that she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is why she had been hospitalized for days at the Imbanaco clinic.

Through his Twitter account, Roldán indicated that he will initiate a treatment that he will follow to the letter and that he will continue to lead his work in the Governor of the department “attending to the needs of our great people.”

“I want to tell you that here I am, firm in my task of continuing to contribute to the achievements that will make the Valley an increasingly important department in the country and in our lives. Hand in hand with God as always, I will overcome this moment. Willing to assume this new test, and carry out this treatment as an exceptional opportunity to show, as a Valle del Caucana that I am, that it is with our attitude, our firmness, that we have shown the world and we will continue to do so, that we are invincible, “he wrote in his account of Twitter

He then published: “in God is the final decision about our lives, but in us is the task of overcoming challenges.”

The Governor was hospitalized on September 2 at the Imbanaco clinic for a “respiratory condition,” for which she was tested for covid-19.

On September 8, Roldán reported negative results for three covid-19 tests while still in hospital, but reported that he was in stable health.

“In life we ​​are presented with moments that we do not want to live, that may even make us regret thinking why me? But that we must take as opportunities to demonstrate the character, the firmness, the faith that guides us. above all, they are the great moments of our life, in which God takes us by the hand and accompanies us to take each step forward, “he wrote on Twitter.

What is Hodgkin lymphoma?

According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, “Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a subtype of lymphoma, which is a type of oncohematological disease. Diseases in which the cells that become malignant are cells that are in the blood (as in leukemias) “.

When the cells affected are lymphocytes and originate in the lymphoid system, a diagnosis of lymphoma is spoken.

Hodgkin lymphoma can start in almost any part of the body, because lymphatic tissue is found in many parts of the body.

However, the American Cancer Society explains that “although Hodgkin lymphoma can start anywhere, it most often begins in the lymph nodes in the upper body. The most common locations are the chest, neck, or underneath. arms. “
