Government would remove parafiscal from companies: Government would remove from companies the payment of health and parafiscal contributions | Present


The W continues to know the draft of the Conpes document with which the policy for the reactivation of the country is established, after the pandemic and in this it is evident that To lower the regulatory burden on companies, it will seek to eliminate the payment of contributions to health and parafiscals.

According to the document, A reform will be presented in 2021 to eliminate non-salary labor costs, related to contributions to health from the employer and parafiscals from ICBF, SENA and family compensation funds. These costs represent 9% of what companies pay for each worker.

Regarding the contributions to health that in total are 12.5%, only the contribution made by the employer would be eliminated, which is 8.5% and What is not specified is whether it would have to be assumed by the employee or the Colombian State.

In context: List the presentation for the second debate of the General Budget of the Nation 2021

Among the proposals that this draft of Conpes brings, which are also the bases of the labor reform that the Government will present next year, is to simplify and reduce the costs for companies to lay off employees.

But also, to take away more costs that companies face when hiring people and with the aim of generating more jobs, The commercial registration fee will be reformed to be based on the income of the companies and the requirement of renewal for the cancellation of registration will be eliminated..
