As explained by President Iván Duque in the official broadcast, the promise for health personnel is that they will allocate resources for 460,000 million pesos to “pay off those historical debts” that we have.
“That we can put those past due labor debts to zero, and tell health professionals that their voice is being heard,” said the president, who referred to this population as a “hero.”
At the same time, the Health Minister, Fernando Ruiz, said that on Thursday the resolution was ready for “the initial payment of 273,000 million pesos, corresponding to what is owed to health workers between January and March of this year”.
After applying that first economic respite, the president and minister promised that “before the end of May” the total debt will have been covered, since there are workers who claim that they still owe them money from last year.
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Quarantine traffickers camouflaged half a ton of marijuana in an ambulance "," author ":" Pulzo "," author_img ":" Reference image "," alt ":" Marijuana and accident ambulance in Cali "}]}, {"id": "PP891058", "titles": {"main": "First target of the Army was the NYT journalist who uncovered new 'false positives'", "facebook": "Public u00f3 the article and the military searched for whoever follows it on social networks. "," seo ":" New York Times journalist who uncovered the false positives taken by Ej u00e9rcito "}," phrases ": {" main " : "Semana revealed that, in his investigation of further illegal interceptions, Nick Casey was targeted by the institution by exposing it."}, "Categories": {"main" : {"slug": "nacion", "name": "Naci u00f3n"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nacion / journalist-new-york-times-who-uncovered-false -positivos-chuzado-por-army-PP891058 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" paola.paez "," name ":" Paola Paez "}," owner ": {" id ":" "," name ":" "," image ":" "," profile ":" "," url ":" "," twitter ": {" title ":" "," url ":" "}," urlFacebook ":" "," email ":" "," linkPersonal ":" "," teamPulzo ":" "," short_text ":" "," large_text ":" "}}," published " : "1", "type": "article", "ce nsorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," ext ":" jpg "," created ": 1588421625," updated ": 1588421625," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" General (r) Nicacio Mart u00ednez and journalist Nick Casey "," credit ":" AFP and Instagram @caseysalbum "," description ":" Journalist Nick Casey of the New York Times rocked by the Army for 'false positives' " , "alt": "General (r) Nicacio Mart u00ednez and journalist Nick Casey", "file": "https: / / / images / 20200502115950 /myc.webp"}, "types": {"thumb": "https: / / / images / 20200502115950 /myc-150x150.webp", "mobile": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront .net / images / 20200502115950 /myc-280x185.webp "," medium ":" https: / / / 20200502115950 /myc-420x278.webp "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20200502115950 /myc-900x485.webp "," vertical ":" https: / / / images 20200502115950 /myc-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / im ages / 20200502115950 /myc-592x350.webp "," gif ":" "}}," videos ": {" main ": {" image ":" "," url ":" "," title ": "", "embeded": ""}}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0", "trinoTW": "", "liveBlog": "0", "shorthand": "", " audio ":" "," tags ":["Chuzadas","Eju00e9rcito Nacional","Falsos Positivos","The New York Times"], "sources":[{"title":"Las carpetas secretas","url":"","source":"Semana"}], "related":["","","",""], "body2": " n n
This kind of computer espionage occurred between February and the beginning of December 2019, when commanded the Army general Nicacio Mart u00ednez u201c, the magazine pointed out.
For this reason, it published the magazine, after the correspondent of the New York Times will publish an article on formats that the commanders distributed in the battalions to increase the number of casualties, which was interpreted as the return of the false false positives u2019, u201c military began to collect information on u00e9l u201d.
The details that appear in Casey's folder are very detailed. The magazine showed several infographics that include all of your personal information, from his birthplace to his work history, academic and the people who follow him on social networks.
There is also another separate titled u201ccontacts of greater interaction u20f3n u201d, which is led by its editor in the American newspaper and other colleagues, and those of u201cmajor relaci u00f3n u201d like your personal and family friends; while in the section of the contacts of political parties appear u2018Pastor Alape u2019 and u2018Carlos Antonio Lozada u2019, members of the Farc party.
There is even another sheet on which u201cest u00e1 Casey in the center of a sheet and a series of lines pointing to their possible sources u201d, as of Semana, which quotes comments about the journalist that he found in those folders such as: u201c Has access and direct contacts with the Gaor (residual organized armed groups) u2026, has access to Farc's areas of influence, their link to enter is u2026 u201d.
But one of the uniforms that contributed to the magazine's report is that the order to follow and collect all the information that could be given about it was given because the high command considered: u201cI was attacking the institution and, in particular, my general Mart u00ednez. You had to find out who he spoke to for that and, furthermore, get elements to try to discredit him and the environment. U20ed
u00bfC u00f3mo wanted did? The source told Semana:
u201cThat was done with some portals u201d. [u2026] Rozo was one of the people in charge of paying, among others, a supposed journalist well known for having legal proceedings for beating women, to publish false things, loved ones, taken from those profiles u201d.
The reaction from the prestigious newspaper was immediate and "Danielle Rhoades Ha, vice president of communications at The New York Times Company, showed before the week her concern about those acts they are seeking u201simitate the press and its sources, and restrict reports that the public has the right to know.
Precisely, the magazine's military source points out:
Americans will not like that part of their own money, from the taxpayers, as they say, has been diverted from the legitimate purposes for which they delivered it, the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, and ended used to dig up the lives of journalists from important media in their own country. That is going to be a question.
And the problem will be greater, since one of the managers of that work recognized that by connecting the networks close to Casey They ended up including other American journalists in their illegal pursuits.
Among them is Juan Forero, u201c who for many years has covered Colombia and the Andean area for media such as The Washington Post, and currently works for The Wall Street Journal u201d, and u00a0Lynsey Addario, A well-known photojournalist whose works have appeared in Time and other media u201d, who found a folder called u2018special job u2019.
They are joined by independent photographer Stephen Ferry and John Otis, correspondent in Latin America for National Public Radio (NPR) and investigator of the Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ, for its acronym in English). u00e9s).
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The excessive speed with which the ambulance was driven and the suspicious attitude of the driver drew the attention of the authorities, who held her in the south of the Valle de Cauca capital, Q u00b4hubo Cali reported.
During the inspection, officers found two people, a 30-year-old man and a 26-year-old woman, who were moving in the front of the vehicle. In addition, they found half a ton of crypto-type marijuana ready to be distributed, confirmed Caracol Radio.
u201cDuring the procedure, they received a call with instructions to offer the police 100,000,000 pesos to skip the process, u200b u200b u200b u200b3 Colonel Manuel V u00e1squez, commander of the Police of the city.
The subjects were captured and left at the disposal of the Prosecutor for the crime of drug trafficking; Meanwhile, the illicit substance was seized and the emergency department car immobilized, added the newspaper.
However, when the ambulance was transported to a police station by a uniformed officer, he was in an accident and turned onto 15th Street with Carrera 14, downtown, the media confirmed. local.
"A motorcycle that got in the way of the ambulance caused the mishap," the official said.
The incident was recorded in the following video, shared on YouTube:
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It is a question of the low levels of vitamin D that they found in the bodies of the dead victims of the virus, according to research by the group of scientists from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation Trust and the University of East Anglia from the United Kingdom, Infobae highlights.
Although they are preliminary studies and the inquiries do not have the endorsement granted by the review of their peers, it is still contributing to the advances to understand the structure of the coronavirus, adds the Argentine environment.
The tests for this scientific analysis were done on the bodies of some of the people who died in Europe from the pandemic.
The research compared pre-existing data on average vitamin D levels in 20 European countries with rates of infection and mortality from coronavirus. The average amount of vitamin D in the serum samples was 56.79 nmol / L, while any value below 30 nmol / L was considered u00f3 u00a0 u2018 severely deficient u2019 u201d, according to RT.
Presumably, this research is on track with other studies showing that having high levels of vitamin D reduces the risks of respiratory infections such as flu, tuberculosis and asthma, mentions Week.
In addition, that same report details that the population most vulnerable by the lack of this vitamin are older adults, which implies that they are the main victims, both media add.
Finally, these scientists consider that they can recommend "vitamin D supplements to citizens to protect us" against SARS-CoV2 u201d infection, the Spanish media indicates.
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According to the Health services, In Russia, a total of 124,054 diagnosed infections have been reported so far, including Prime Minister Mija u00edl Mishustin, and 1,222 deaths associated with the virus., keeping the official mortality rate controlled in comparison with other countries.
Serbian Sobianin, mayor of Moscow, emphasized this Saturday, based on the results of the tests, that around 2% of the inhabitants of the capital, that is to say about 250,000 people, they have the COVID-19.
Official figures, however, indicate that there are currently 62,658 confirmed cases of contagion with the coronavirus in that city, making it the main focus of the pandemic in Russia.
This Friday, on the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out that they have not yet reached the maximum peak of the outbreak's propagation. and extended the measure of confinement in that country until May 11, RT News indicated.
u201cWe must be prepared for any scenario. To think that the threat has diminished and to pass by, will be careless. The deadly danger of the virus persists and can affect us all, The president said, in statements collected by the news network.
Finally, the Ministry of Health assured that 1,793 new patients managed to overcome respiratory disease and are out of danger, which increases the number of recovered in that country to 15,013.
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This is how it looks in the Twitter account u00a0AnimaFauna, which is noted for spreading natural activity during mandatory preventive isolation by the coronavirus.
The specialized publication Sustainable Week identifies this animal as a crab fox or u2018Cerdocyon thousands u2019, and also calls it dog fox, dog fox or bush dog.
The media highlights that the fox lives in the eastern tutelary hills, in the towns of Usaqu u00e9n and Chapinero, and in towns near the capital.
Precisely at several of these points they have been recorded in the last few weeks.
Esta semana, el 29 de abril, tambiu00e9n fueron tomadas otras fotos au00fan mu00e1s impresionantes, nu00edtidas y cercanas. El usuario de Twitter Jorge Zuluagau00a0captu00f3 a 2 de estos mamu00edferos en el jardu00edn de su casa, en los cerros orientales de Chu00eda.
Estas son algunas de las imu00e1genes tomadas por Zuluaga:
Buenos du00edas. Esas fotos no son en Santa Ana!! Son en el jardu00edn de mi casa en los cerros orientales de Chia. Las tomu00e9 yo!! Quisiera saber quiu00e9n se las enviu00f3? Le adjunto otra foto .
El aislamiento durante la crisis por el COVID-19 parece incentivar la llegada de estos visitantes a la ciudad.
El 20 de marzo ya se habu00eda reportado el avistamiento de uno de estos zorros. El animal apareciu00f3 en la zona de Santa Bu00e1rbara, tambiu00e9n en el norte de la ciudad.
En ese momento, Jorge Escobar, director de la Fundaciu00f3n Humedales Bogotu00e1 destacu00f3 que ese era el tercer reporte reciente de un zorro en la capital.
Escobar le dijo a Semana Sostenible que estos animales son inofensivos y no representan ningu00fan riesgo. Sostuvo que, seguramente,u00a0bajan de los cerros orientales ante la ausencia de personas y la disminuciu00f3n del ruido por cuenta de la cuarentena.
u201cHay que dejarlos tranquilos, no alimentarlos, no acercarse mucho a ellos y alejar a las mascotasu201d, agregu00f3.
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Du00e1vila, en realidad, le pone voz a un sector de la opiniu00f3n que no estu00e1 de acuerdo con que el Gobierno auxilie a la aerolu00ednea. Otro sector considera que lanzarle un salvavidas en estos momentos es indispensable para la reactivaciu00f3n econu00f3mica y para el desarrollo del pau00eds despuu00e9s de la pandemia del coronavirus.
Como se sabe, Avianca se declaru00f3 en crisis financiera y sin flujo de caja para seguir operando, por lo que le pidiu00f3 al Gobierno de Ivu00e1n Duque financiaciu00f3n a cambio de repago de deuda y participaciu00f3n accionaria del Estado.
u201cEn u00faltimas, pretende que el dinero de los impuestos de los colombianos vaya al rescate de la compau00f1u00eda que no es colombianau201d, remarca Du00e1vila en su columna de Semana, y subraya que u201csus socios y su capital son extranjerosu201d.
Para ella, la idea es u201ca todas luces inaceptableu201d, sobre todo porque el pau00eds atraviesa tiempos difu00edciles u201cen los que el Gobierno, con recursos limitados, debe atender a millones de ciudadanos vulnerables y a miles de pequeu00f1as y medianas empresas que estu00e1n al borde del cierre definitivou201d. Y hace una pregunta para destacar el caru00e1cter extranjero de la aerolu00ednea: u201cu00bfCu00f3mo entender que el dinero pu00fablico se vaya a una compau00f1u00eda domiciliada en Panamu00e1?u201d.
Du00e1vila reconoce que el transporte au00e9reo es un servicio pu00fablico esencial, pero insiste en que el de Avianca u201ces un negocio privadou201d. Ademu00e1s, califica de u201cchantajeu201d los tu00e9rminos en que, segu00fan ella, la compau00f1u00eda puso su pedido de ayuda al Gobierno: u201cO nos rescatan, o no volamosu201d, y dice que son u201cmentirau201d las voces que en el Congreso y en los medios de comunicaciu00f3n se han levantado para decir que u201cestu00e1 en juego la operaciu00f3n au00e9rea en el pau00edsu201d.
u201cLa mala hora de Avianca no empezu00f3 con el coronavirusu201d, asegura Du00e1vila, y recuerda que en 2004 Germu00e1n Efromovich compru00f3 y se convirtiu00f3 u201cen el gran salvador al que todo luego se le desbordu00f3u201d, y que el au00f1o pasado Roberto Kriete, presidente de la junta directiva, les dijo a sus empleados, en un video que se filtru00f3: u201cAvianca estu00e1 quebrada, u00bfOK? Quebrada. No les estu00e1 pagando a sus acreedores, no les estu00e1 pagando a las compau00f1u00edas de arrendamiento de los aviones, no les estu00e1 pagando a los bancos. Estamos en un proceso de renegociar todo eso y reestructurar todas las deudas para poder comprar tiempou2026u201d.
La columnista aprovecha la oportunidad para tambiu00e9n pasarle otra pequeu00f1a cuenta de cobro a la aerolu00ednea: u201cLa paradoja que vive Avianca es que pretende salvarse con plata pu00fablica de sus clientes, que durante au00f1os sufrieron abusos [u2026] en completa impunidad. Tiquetes por las nubes, demoras, cancelaciones y penalidades. Nunca la razu00f3n la ha tenido el usuario. Avianca ha ganado con cara o sello. [u2026] La indolencia de la aerolu00ednea ha sido norma. No podemos olvidar cuando subiu00f3 sus pasajes para llenarse los bolsillos, en plena emergencia en la vu00eda al Llano. Se justificu00f3 en su condiciu00f3n de empresa privada y en las reglas del mercadou201d.
Advierte que Avianca ha invertido por du00e9cadas miles de millones de pesos en publicidad y u201ctiene una hinchada grande en los mediosu201d. Esto es evidente al ojear otro artu00edculo en la misma revista, aparentemente informativo y con visos de anu00e1lisis, que plantea los escenarios que enfrentaru00e1 la compau00f1u00eda, pero que transforma los datos que usa en poderosos argumentos a favor de la idea del recate de la empresa por parte del Estado.
De entrada, la revista esgrime cifras aplastantes en su artu00edculo: la situaciu00f3n financiera de Avianca u201cha puesto en juego la sostenibilidad de una empresa de mu00e1s de 100 au00f1os de historia que genera unos 21.000 empleos directos, paga cerca de 800 millones de du00f3lares en impuestos y tasas al au00f1o, y es pieza clave en el servicio de transporte au00e9reo. Ademu00e1s, es fundamental para garantizar la competitividad econu00f3mica del pau00eds y la conectividad del turismo, promisorio sector que podru00eda convertirse en gran impulsor de la reactivaciu00f3n econu00f3mica tras la pandemiau201d.
El pu00e1rrafo siguiente comienza con la afirmaciu00f3n de que esta aerolu00ednea y otras del sector que operan vuelos domu00e9sticos u201cnecesitaru00e1n una ayuda enormeu201d. Y destaca, a diferencia de Du00e1vila, que Avianca tiene su centro de operaciones en Colombia, por lo que es u201cun activo estratu00e9gico para el transporteu201d de un pau00eds u201cque carece de ferrocarriles, no tiene un desarrollo fluvial adecuado y todavu00eda debe superar grandes desafu00edos en su red de carreterasu201d. Por esa razu00f3n, u201cun transporte au00e9reo fuerte es un asunto de interu00e9s nacionalu201d.
Enseguida ofrece mu00e1s datos-argumento de los que son mu00e1s contundentes: los ejemplos: u201cGarantizar la sostenibilidad del sector au00e9reo y de las compau00f1u00edas que lo prestan en el pau00eds se vuelve estratu00e9gico. No en vano muchos gobiernos alrededor del mundo han salido al rescate de sus aerolu00edneas bandera. En Alemania, el Gobierno ya anunciu00f3 generosas ayudas para Lufthansa, Italia hizo lo propio hace solo unos du00edas con Alitalia y en Estados Unidos la administraciu00f3n de Donald Trump anunciu00f3 un salvamento de 55.000 millones de du00f3lares para sus aerolu00edneas, de los cuales ya han entregado cerca de 25.000 millonesu201d.
Para Semana, u201ces impensable lograr un escenario de competitividad au00e9rea sin Avianca como jugador claveu201d, pues u201cse trata de una de las pocas empresas centenarias que sobreviven en el pau00eds, la segunda aerolu00ednea mu00e1s antigua en el mundo, la segunda mu00e1s grande de Sudamu00e9rica por el tamau00f1o de su operaciu00f3n y un referente internacionalu201d.
Despuu00e9s de esa exposiciu00f3n de argumentos, la revista ofrece los que considera los tres escenarios que le esperan a la aerolu00ednea. 1) que el Gobierno le du00e9 el pru00e9stamo, para garantizar la liquidez que requiere y seguir operando, pagar la nu00f3mina y los gastos esenciales; 2) capitalizar la aerolu00ednea y que el Estado se convierta en socio, como han hecho otros pau00edses con sus aerolu00edneas bandera; y 3) dejarla a su suerte en el mercado (que el Gobierno ni le preste ni invierta en ella) y que los accionistas mayoritarios busquen recursos propios o consigan inversionistas. u201cPero podru00eda quebrarseu201d.
Sin embargo, otros anu00e1lisis, como el de Sergio Guzmu00e1n en la revista Dinero, aportan mu00e1s alternativas. Para u00e9l, si bien Avianca genera miles de empleos nacionales, conecta al pau00eds con los principales mercados internacionales y es eje fundamental en el turismo y la competitividad internacional, u201choy en du00eda los rezagos de competitividad del pau00eds no se encuentran en el aire sino en tierra en donde au00fan tiene enormes obstu00e1culos de conectividad que afectan el desarrollo econu00f3mico de las regionesu201d. Por eso, pregunta: u201cu00bfY si en lugar de salvar Avianca financiamos ferrocarriles y carreteras?u201d.
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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP890474","titles":{"main":"Inyectaru00e1n respiro econu00f3mico a trabajadores de salud que no reciben sueldo desde enero","facebook":"Les pagaru00e1n sin importar el contrato.","seo":"Coronavirus: Gobierno promete pagar sueldos atrasados a personal de salud"},"phrases":{"main":"Ese fue el compromiso al que llegu00f3 el Gobierno horas antes del Du00eda del Trabajo, anuncio que puede ser confortante para quienes enfrentan el coronavirus."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"economia","name":"Economu00eda"}},"urls":{"main":"/economia/coronavirus-gobierno-promete-pagar-sueldos-atrasados-personal-salud-PP890474"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jeey.cruz","name":"Jeey Cruz"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 02, 2020 10:10 am","updated":1588414206,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Gobierno destina recursos para pagar personal de salud","credit":"AFP","description":"Imagen de ilustraciu00f3n","alt":"Gobierno destina recursos para pagar personal de salud","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["coronavirus"],"sources":[{"title":"$ 460 mil millones para el pago de deudas al personal de salud","url":"","source":"Ministerio de Salud","fuente":"Ministerio de Salud"},{"title":"Twitter","url":"","source":"Presidencia de la Repu00fablica","fuente":"Presidencia de la Repu00fablica"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn
Segu00fan explicu00f3 el presidente Ivu00e1n Duque en la transmisiu00f3n oficial, la promesa para el personal de la salud es que se destinaru00e1n recursos por 460.000 millones de pesos para u201csaldar esas deudas histu00f3ricasu201d que se tienen.
u201cQue esas deudas laborales atrasadas las podamos poner en ceros, y decirles a los profesionales de la salud que su voz estu00e1 siendo escuchadau201d, afirmu00f3 el presidente, que se refiriu00f3 a esta poblaciu00f3n como u201chu00e9roeu201d.
A la par, el ministro de Salud, Fernando Ruiz, dijo que el jueves estuvo lista la resoluciu00f3n para u201cel pago inicial de 273.000 millones de pesos, correspondientes a lo que se adeuda a los trabajadores de la salud entre enero y marzo de este au00f1ou201d.
Luego de aplicar ese primer respiro econu00f3mico, presidente y ministro se comprometieron a que u201cantes de terminar mayou201d se habru00e1 cubierto la deuda total, pues hay trabajadores que reclaman que todavu00eda les deben dinero del au00f1o pasado.
Ruiz explicu00f3 que esta medida cobijaru00e1 a trabajadores dependientes y a los que estu00e1n con contratos de prestaciu00f3n de servicios, y aseguru00f3 que lo que se necesita para materializarlo es u201cuna ayudita de la parte legalu201d, porque u201clos recursos ya estu00e1n disponibles en este momentou201d.
u201cHoy saldru00e1 la resoluciu00f3n para el pago inicial de $273 mil millones, correspondientes a lo que se adeuda a los trabajadores de la salud entre los meses de enero a marzo de este au00f1o. Confiamos en que antes de terminar mayo habremos pagado el total de la deudau201d
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