Government equips the military to combat COVID-19 in Amazonas


In anti-fluid suits, masks and camouflaged, President Iván Duque sent 1,000 soldiers from the Selva 26 Brigade to the Amazon borders with Peru and Brazil. An important point for the increase in cases of COVID-19 in both countries and in this Colombian department, where 743 have already been confirmed to be infected. Hence, Duque made the decision to militarize to prevent the virus from moving from one country to another, as happened with the first infected in Leticia who apparently arrived from the Brazilian city of Tabatinga.

In Leticia, where the bulk of cases in the Colombian Amazon are treated, hospitals work with their fingernails. The shortage of medical personnel, biosafety suits and health equipment is a constant in the two medical centers: the San Rafael Hospital and the Leticia Clinic. Doctors and nurses do not last in office and have made two massive resignations to press the government’s attention. In the municipality of San Rafael they have even denounced that the aid that the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, has already announced does not arrive.

To cope with the rapid spread of COVID-19, President Duque will also send 17 people, including doctors, nurses, nursing assistants and bacteriologists. Likewise, it allocated $ 14,000 million and the shipment of 55,000 masks as reinforcement to face the pandemic in the Amazon.

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