Government began payment of voucher for covid for health personnel


The National Government, through the Resource Manager of the General System of Social Security in Health (Adres), initiated the payment of the first transfer of the cash bonus that, for a single time, the health personnel who have come serving during the coronavirus pandemic.

This Thursday, during the televised program Prevention and Action, President Iván Duque specified that 798 workers from the Hospital Universitario del Caribe and the Hospital Departamental Universitario Santa Sofía de Caldas, benefited from the payment in which a total of 1,171 million pesos was invested .

In context: Doubts about the covid premium for the health sector

As EL COLOMBIANO had anticipated last Wednesday, the Government will take into account three factors to determine the distribution of the money. The bonus will be between 1 and 4.5 minimum wages, for which the base contribution income to the health system, the level of schooling and the level of exposure to the virus will be taken into account.

Likewise, Adres explained that the payment will be made daily, gradually, “in accordance with the entity’s operational capacities and budget availability.” Still 230,000 health workers who were registered by their employers remain awaiting the remaining transfers.

To achieve this, the Ministry of Health must purify the lists ensuring that all those registered comply with the requirements set forth in Resolution 1774 of October 6, 2020, which stipulated the monetary benefit.

You can read: Union of wills will grant benefits to health personnel in Antioquia

“If after the bonus transfer process is completed, bank transfer rejections are presented, the Adres will allow the correction of the information reported in advance to be able to make the effective transfer to the beneficiaries,” said the entity.
