Good behavior among those attending the first day of the pilot for rumbas in Cali


September 03, 2020 – 10:29 pm

Newsroom of El País

The Alameda neighborhood park and the river boulevard were transformed into open-air dance floors during the first day of the so-called ‘Agüelulo de la Esperanza’, the pilot to reactivate the Cali rumba in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic.

From early in the afternoon, couples and groups of friends arrived at the Alameda neighborhood park to start dancing to the sound that was thundered by the fans of La Duboney, Portón Caldense, El Habanero, Manicero, Bronx, Siboney, Master Club, La Bamba They are Caribe, Tibiri Tabara, Bailatino, Libaniel and La Sirena.

The clients of Mamut, La Topa Tolondra, Cimarrón, Mala Maña, La Caldera del Diablo, Punto Baré, Zaperoco and Tin Tin Deo also gathered on the boulevard of the river Cali.

Félix Veintimillas, a dancer from the old guard, was one of the first to arrive at the park in the Alameda neighborhood wanting to relive the era of the ‘carrot’ rumba of the 60s, when instead of drinking liquor, only young people met to drink lemonade, lulo juice and dancing in the afternoon and early evening.

“I got the ‘agüelulos’ and that’s nice to remember. You have to take advantage of this because the weather is good and you have to go out to breathe after quarantine; yes, with all the biosecurity measures, such as the mask and distance. I feel like I’m walking again, ”said the man, who is 75 years old and limited his space to the surroundings of his table when dancing and kept his mask.

During the first day of the agüelulos, which begins at 4:00 p.m. and goes until 1:00 a.m. and will last until this Sunday, there were presentations of salsa dancers and screening, temperature taking and use were mandatory. of the mask.

Only jugs of lemonade, juices, sodas, empanadas and packages of potatoes were seen on the attendees’ tables to liven up a party that, until the Ministries of Health and the Interior do not authorize the sale and consumption of liquor, will continue to be “healthy ”.

Mayor Jorge Iván Ospina pointed out that this outdoor rumba pilot “is very important to carry out as a project of cultural resistance to the new realities that the covid will bring.”

Also read: “It is better that the party is under the corresponding parameters”, Mayor of Cali on pilot

Pilot for rumba biosegura in Cali

For his part, Manolo Vergara, owner of El Habanero, pointed out that this experiment began in good time, because “the idea is to prove to the world that Cali is joy, resilience and a city that can be reinvented.”

The businessman, who hopes that the weekend can improve sales if the sale and consumption of liquor is approved, recalled that there are 1,625 rumba businesses that have been affected by the pandemic in Cali and around 200,000 people .

On the other hand, Walter Ruiz, administrator of La Duboney, said that although he has a positive attitude towards the realization of the pilot of the so-called ‘Agüelulos de la Esperanza’ and the reactivation of the rumba in the city, it is also “very realistic because suddenly, due to the pandemic we are currently experiencing, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we have to close again ”.

To attend this rumba pilot, you must reserve a table in advance at one of the establishments on the boulevard or in Alameda. Only six people are allowed per table and the stay is only for three hours.

Also read: “It is better that the party is under the corresponding parameters”, Mayor of Cali on pilot
