General Óscar Atehortúa: interview with the outgoing director of the National Police – Services – Justice


The outgoing director of the National Police, General Óscar Atehortúa, in an interview with EL TIEMPO affirmed that he is leaving calm for the work accomplished, and with the confidence that the designated director, General Jorge Luis Vargas, is a man “with a remarkable career.” He denied that the police are divided and said that they are always willing to self-evaluate to improve.

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How do you receive your exit from the Police Directorate?

I leave with a deep thanks to the Almighty; to the President of the Republic, who placed his trust in me, and, of course, to all Colombians and especially to my policewomen and men, both in active service and in good retirement use, of whom I will feel deeply proud.

Start a new stage of my life with a special thanks to my family, that with his support and unconditional and unwavering love, he helped me to crystallize the dream of working for all the inhabitants of this wonderful country and of my police officers, and of becoming the director of this beloved institution. I leave with an immense joy in my heart and with the satisfaction of having fully assumed a great challenge.

What are your expectations for the future?

The President with his infinite generosity has asked me to continue accompanying him in new endeavors, and from wherever I am I will continue to fight for all Colombians and for the police institution that I carry in my heart.

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The President has asked me to continue accompanying him in new tasks

How do you see General Jorge Luis Vargas in the Directorate?

The National Police will be under the command of a great officer, with a remarkable career and great knowledge, who has an outstanding institutional career, who will undoubtedly work to continue making our institution great. Today I ask the body of generals, my police officers and all citizens to support and support him so that his management continues to be successful at the command of the institution for the benefit of the citizens.

What do you say to those who see a divided police?

The National Police has been, is and will be a strengthened institution. Differences and complex and unexpected situations may exist as in any family, but unity and trust must always prevail, and we want each Colombian to always see this centennial police as an institution that belongs to him, because it is part of the growth of the State and a guarantee of democracy.

You are facing a disciplinary process at the Attorney General …

It is a disciplinary investigation, within the framework of the fiscal housing project of the International School of the Use of the Police Force for Peace (Cenop), located in the municipality of San Luis, Tolima, which I myself applied about a year ago to the Attorney General, the Attorney General and the Comptroller General so that all the corresponding actions were carried out to clarify this issue.

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The Comptroller’s Office has already decided and left zero findings regarding this investigation, while the Prosecutor’s Office issued a ruling in my favor archiving the process, and at this moment my case in the Office of the Attorney General is in the evidentiary stage. At the current stage we are presenting the defense evidence, hoping to prove along the same lines that there was no irregularity.

The National Police has been, is and will be a strengthened institution

How did you divide your time between defense and your duty as a director?

Since I had the honor of assuming the leadership of the National Police, I have always attended with the greatest responsibility, discipline and commitment all the obligations of my position, and the results demonstrate the work not only in favor of the citizens but also of my own policemen.

At the same time, without my functions being affected, as shown by the overwhelming results in 2020, we fully comply with all the requirements of the investigation and control bodies, in order to demonstrate probity in my actions in relation to with the facts that are the object of said investigation.

What lessons does the death of Javier Ordóñez leave the institution?

The death of a citizen hurts us deeply. We are respectful of the pain of the family, to which we reiterate our sincere solidarity. Of course, it is necessary to wait for the course of the criminal and disciplinary investigations that are being carried out, respectively, in the Attorney General’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office.

Once these culminate, the factual circumstances will be determined and, in that context, we will have clarity of what exactly happened. There are individual actions that must be addressed and investigated promptly, but for this reason an institution cannot be convicted.

Today, with a cool head, what went wrong?

It is necessary to wait for the investigative authorities to deliver the results of their inquiries, which from the beginning have had the total and permanent disposition of the institution to achieve complete clarification. Of course, the Police are always evaluating themselves with the aim of improving and positively transforming their actions and addressing the concerns of all citizens.

Óscar Atehortúa, Director of the Police

General Óscar Atehortúa assures that he will continue in other activities led by President Duque.

How is the investigation going into the events that claimed the lives of 11 people that would involve some uniformed men?

As indicated above, the criminal investigation is in the power of the Attorney General’s Office and the disciplinary investigation is proceeding in the Attorney General’s Office, adopted by the preferential power.

There are individual actions that must be addressed and investigated promptly, but for this reason an institution cannot be sentenced

Do you think something needs to be changed within the Police?

The National Police is renewed and is subject to constant changes, always meeting the challenges of the new times in order to improve the skills of our staff, through aspects such as strengthening the incorporation process and training in human rights, among others. .

At present a process of institutional modernization and transformation is advancing that has multiple approaches and which contains most of the institutional proposals that have been presented by Colombians.

In this sense, changes have been implemented in the model of Community Surveillance by Quadrants, so that citizens feel more protected and closer to the police. It is even planned to launch the Neighborhood Police program, which seeks to strengthen the trust and integration of our police officers and the community.

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In addition, thanks to the National Government, it was possible to expand the quota of patrols that rise to the rank of subintendents, and with the support of countless congressmen, the respective debates of the bill that seeks to create a new category at the base of the structure are being carried out. of the National Police that, if approved, will represent new and great welfare benefits for the police base and its family environment.

Will the Esmad have changes or will it get stronger?

This specialized group, made up of brave women and men who guarantee public order and the tranquility of citizens, when some vandals try to cloud public demonstrations, which are a constitutional right, they are constantly trained, especially in the field of human rights and in aspects of street procedures.

This squad is governed by international standards and internal regulations for the use of force, and introduces new technologies to provide better service. Esmad is in a process of permanent training and strengthening.

Is it a perception or a reality that thefts have increased?

The National Police have always been aware of the discomfort produced by each act of insecurity, which not only affects the patrimony of citizens, but, unfortunately, sometimes ends with the painful death of a person.

And precisely citizen security has always been one of the institution’s priorities. We understand citizens, and that is why constant work has allowed significant reductions in crimes that affect citizen security, including the theft of people of -33.4 percent and -21.5 percent in cell phone theft, among others. However, there are aspects to be improved and the National Police works on this every day, without any rest.

What has been the support of the Police during the pandemic?

Thinking of citizens, the Police advanced and supported this year more than 329,000 awareness campaigns, 49,356 food deliveries, 14,073 health brigades, 72,150 activities for the prevention of domestic violence designing the Home Patrol strategy, 47,260 for the prevention of child abuse and 43,925 for the prevention of sexual crimes, among many activities.

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A message for Colombians …

On behalf of my police officers, I want to send an affectionate greeting to all Colombian households, so that this end and the beginning of the year they may experience the joy of sharing as a family, while abiding by all the biosecurity regulations and celebrating responsibly within the your home.

I wish 2021 to be a year full of personal and professional successes, of economic recovery and especially full of health and blessings.
Always remember that ‘we are one, we are all’.

Drafting Justice
On twitter: @JusticiaET
