From Providencia, Duque details the Government’s response after hurricane Iota


The Government estimates that 80% of the homes on the island were destroyed by the hurricane.

The daily Prevention and Action program, through which the Government has been reporting on the evolution of the new coronavirus pandemic in the country, was not done this Tuesday from the Casa de Nariño but from the island of Providencia. The first president arrived there to articulate the response of the National Government and local governments to serve the population affected by the passage of Hurricane Iota, which, according to estimates by the Ministry of Housing, has affected 100% of the homes and destroyed less 80% of these.

President Duque pointed out that the impact on the infrastructure is “severe” and assured that the prevention efforts from the State have focused on ensuring that the community does not have a substantial impact “from the point of view of human losses.” On that island, located in the Colombian Caribbean, two people have been reported dead and one more missing, as a result of the devastation of the natural phenomenon.

On the other hand, he reported that on Monday a boat with 15 tons of humanitarian aid and 191 members of the Public Force and medical personnel departed from the port of Cartagena to care for the victims.

It may interest you: First images of the destruction in Providence after the passage of Iota

“More than 112 people were evacuated, six wounded and some tourist personnel were evacuated. People who had health problems, such as oxygen-dependent people, were also evacuated, ”said the president.

On the other hand, he announced the installation of around 3,000 tents that will function as temporary shelter for some 6,300 people who have lost their homes. He also emphasized the work focused on the removal of debris and the delivery of aid.

According to the president, the category 5 that reached Hurricane Iota is only comparable to hurricanes like Katrina or Andrew. “Our biggest challenge is removing rubble and cleaning the island of rubble. Second, to accelerate the delivery of humanitarian aid, a protection mechanism, to fill tent spaces to enable family spaces and to begin a reconstruction process now, ”commented the head of state.

In turn, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz Gómez, announced the installation of a field hospital on the island due to the disqualification, due to the passage of the hurricane, of the assistance center that operated in Providencia. “The hospital was practically unusable, unusable, for that reason we are going to install a field hospital with all conditions, which will arrive tomorrow and could be installed to provide continuous care,” said the official.

Context: Iota, a nightmare for Providencia

Damage mitigation in Cartagena

Regarding Cartagena, one of the Caribbean cities affected by the rains of the recent week, the Ministry of the Interior reported that a team was appointed to work together with the mayor’s office of that city and the Government of Bolívar to “work in an action plan to mitigate the effects suffered in the city ”.

“President Iván Duque has appointed a government team to collect with the territorial entities the main needs that were generated in the city by the emergency, and based on them to generate rapid and effective actions,” said Alicia Arango, Minister of the Inside.

According to the official, aid has already been provided to affected neighborhoods. “We are building a short and medium term schedule that will allow us to meet the needs of the most vulnerable families, which include housing subsidies and entrepreneurship projects that allow them to generate income,” added Arango.
