From his house, ‘Tatán’ will continue running on the tracks • La Nación


Carol Medina Soto

[email protected]

The kart driver, Sebastián Garzón Orozco lives the quarantine with his family in the city of Bogotá, but despite remaining in confinement he has not stopped training and preparing to continue shining on the tracks of the country and the world.

At only 10 years old, ‘Tatán’ is disciplined, he understands that to be the best he must obey the rules and follow each of the advice of his parents and coach, that’s why since he is at home he follows a physical training routine, in addition to completing their homework daily.

School hours Monday through Friday run from very early in the morning until 12:40 p.m., then resume at 1:40 p.m. and end at 2:25 p.m. The physical trainings that are guided by his personal trainer Reminton Murcia through video call and that he practices daily with his father, Medardo Garzón from 4 to 5 in the afternoon.

Now, the pilot opts will have another help to continue training, it is a simulator with virtual reality, which will take him to the tracks to continue improving his times and technique when driving on a circuit in his kart.

“At the moment he cannot ride his kart as he normally does and he will do virtual classes with karting programs, accompanied by several trainers, one from Italy and the other from the United States. The idea is that he perfect himself as much as possible. The programs and the screens will be the closest thing to the experience in a kart, as well as the rudder and the pedals, the idea is that he perfect everything pertinent to driving on track and timing. This will serve him very much now that he cannot go to train, ”explained Medardo Garzón.

However, ‘Tatán’ said he misses the tracks and wants to run again soon. “I am watching many videos of karting and study at home, but I already need to be with my friends and run. Although I share a lot with the family and I am very well, ”said the huilense kartist who this year would be part of the Supertune Tony kart team in the United States, in different competitions, but due to the pandemic all plans were canceled.

“We do not know what can happen for now with that, everything is stopped and it is not within the plans to travel to the United States at least this year, we have already decided that,” said the father of the small athlete who planned to compete this season in the Pan American Rok Cup in Villavicencio and the South American Rotax in Cajicá.

From his house, ‘Tatán’ will continue to run on the tracks 2 May 4, 2020
With this simulator, ‘Tatán’ will continue training during quarantine.
From his house, ‘Tatán’ will continue to run on the tracks 3 May 4, 2020
Together with his father, he physically prepares the kartist he opts every week.
