From first lady to mayor of Urrao


That municipality in the Southwest of Antioquia elected the successor of the late mayor Jhon Jairo Higuita. In one day there was a participation of 35.69% of the electorate.

With a support of 6,046 votes, equivalent to 69.73%, Alexandra Machado Montoya she became the new mayor of Urrao.

In the midst of atypical elections, the citizens of that municipality in Southwest Antioquia chose the successor of Jhon Jairo Higuita Rueda, passed away on December 16, 2020 after contracting covid-19.

Machado Montoya, who launched herself into the race under the endorsement of the Green Alliance and the Indigenous and Social Alternative Movement (Mais), will become the first president of that municipality, collecting the flags of her late husband Higuita Rueda.

As reported by the Registrar in its Bulletin No. 8, Álvaro Salazar Herrera, from the U Party, he ranked second with 14.06% of the votes, followed by Osvaldo Sepúlveda, from the Conservative Party, with 4.1%.

A quiet day

Luis Fernando Suarez, Regional and Sectorial Secretary of Human Security of the Antioquia Government, reported that throughout the nine urban and rural polling stations no acts of violence or electoral crimes were reported.

“Before the Unified Command Post we present a part of total tranquility and normality in the municipality. In the same way, the Public Force gave a part of normality in the rural voting stations, ”said Suárez Vélez.

As a result of the health emergency, the authorities deployed a strict biosecurity protocol to prevent voters and officials who participated in the day from failing to comply with social distancing measures.

Marta Cecilia Londoño, an epidemiologist with the Antioquia Sectional Health Secretariat, pointed out that sinks were installed in the voting stations to facilitate the asepsis of the 24,296 citizens authorized to vote in the municipality.

Likewise, the voting jurors were equipped with N95 type masks and masks to protect themselves.

At the national level, the other municipality that went to the polls in an atypical way was Paéz, in Boyacá, where, according to the National Registry, a total of 2,471 citizens were authorized to go to three voting stations.

Alejandro Vega Rocha, a national registrar, agreed that both territories had quiet elections, with a positive report from the Public Force.

“Everything went smoothly and citizens were able to go to the polls with ease. All the tables planned for this day were set up. Voting juries attended and no incidents were reported. The National Civil Registry Office complied with the country, “said Vega Rocha
