Freeze to death after taking the wrong path indicated by Google


According to The Sun newspaper, Sergey Ustinov was found frozen inside his car, a Toyota Chaser, after you took an unused route, suggested by Google Maps, in the coldest inhabited region in the world.

The young man, who was traveling with a companion, identified as Vladislav Istomin, also 18 years old and found miraculously alive albeit with acute hypothermia, was driving by the famous road of the Bones of Russia, indicates the same way.

Regardless of the vast climate in that region, which can go as low as -60 degrees, The young people started the journey from Yakutsk to Magadan, but because of the cold and snow, he Toyota Chaser had problems with its radiator.

For this reason, points out the British newspaper, Ustinov decided to check Google Maps and this app He suggested a route that, in theory, made him get to his destination faster. However, it is a road that is in bad shape And it hasn’t been used since the 70s, so at one point it couldn’t continue.

As detailed by The Sun, Yandex Maps (a Russian application) showed a distance of 1,900 km on the Kolyma federal highway through Ust-Nera, but they decided to take the one that said Google Maps, which offered a shorter route through Tomtor of 1,733 km.

The cold was inclement, the average was -50 degrees, and they were not wearing appropriate clothing for the place. When they got stranded they decided to burn one of the tires to make a fire and keep warm while they came to rescue them.

Pitifully They could not use their cell phones to call for help and were only found by a policeman days after a search began when they were declared missing. For this moment, Ustinov had already frozen to death and Istomin was alive but very seriously, according to that newspaper.

“The young people tried to keep warm and burned a tire, but apparently they could not make a big fire because they could not remove the rest of the tires,” explained Nadezhda Dvoretskaya, an official of the investigation committee of that Russian region, quoted by the English media .

The woman further noted that the locals were surprised seeing that they did not have the right clothes to be in the coldest place in the world.

They were city boys, that’s why they wore sneakers. Now it is very cold here, not yet -60, but at night and in the morning it reaches -57, and during the day it is -51, “said a local.

Vladislav Istomin now fights for his life; doctors are treating her serious condition, as her arms and legs were frozen, ends El Sol.
