Free way to pilot for the consumption of liquors in bars and restaurants


The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, made official the implementation of Resolution 1569 of 2020 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which established the biosafety protocol for the management and control of the risk of Covid-19 for the consumption of beverages alcoholic in restaurants and bars in the country.

“The resolution allows the bar pilots. It is a topic that has been waiting for a long time. Since we know the closeness that is generated in bars, it must be treated with great care. The mayors must have the ability to control the pilots, ”explained Ruiz.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, it is important to guarantee the natural circulation of air to reduce the risk of spread, as well as the physical distance of two meters between people at the bars, if applicable, and between tables or groups of people.


Liquor bottles must be disinfected before being delivered to customers and the necessary elements are made available for their individual consumption.

The measure also prohibits dancing inside the establishment and in the areas that are enabled to provide this service.

In this sense, the dance floors must be used for the adaptation of tables and there must be a distance of 2 meters between person and person in the bars and tables or groups.


Adriana Plata, executive director of Asobares, the union that groups these establishments, told EL HERALDO that “the protocols are great news; a starting point for the reactivation of our sector that so much needs it ”.

For his part, Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of Fenalco, pointed out that “this is one more step towards the reactivation of the country” and a show of support for the establishments, which in many ways depend on these sales.
