Fox News cuts off White House spokeswoman’s press conference for spreading unsubstantiated allegations of fraud | USA elections


Fox News interrupted the first press conference since the presidential election of White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany on Monday while spreading allegations of voter fraud without presenting any evidence. More than 48 hours have passed since Joe Biden became the elected president of the United States, but the Donald Trump Administration refuses to concede defeat. The Republican president has denounced without evidence that the Democrats “stole” the elections. Four days ago, in a Trump appearance where he defended the same idea, the ABC, CBS and NBC networks also cut the transmission.

McEnany started the appearance stating that the elections have not ended despite the fact that Biden crossed the 270 electoral votes on Saturday to take over the presidency and whose victory has already been recognized by the majority of world leaders. The count of legitimately cast ballots sent by mail continues in some key states. While the press secretary claimed that the Administration wants all “legal votes” to be counted and not “illegal votes”, Fox News host Neil Cavuto interrupted the broadcast. “Wow, wow, wow. I think we have to be very clear: [La portavoz de la Casa Blanca] you are accusing the other party of allowing fraud and illegal voting. Unless I have more details to back that up, I can’t keep showing you this, ”Cavuto said.

The Trump campaign has waged a legal battle in a number of states, including Georgia and Michigan, which has so far not had favorable results for them in court for lack of sustenance. This Monday the Republican leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell defended that the US president is “100% within his right” to challenge the result that has given Joe Biden the winner.

In parallel, President-elect Joe Biden announced this Monday at noon the formation of a Covid-19 Transition Advisory Board, made up of public health experts, whose mission will be to develop a plan to fight the pandemic. The United States has exceeded 10 million infections during the day and the death toll is close to 240,000, leading the classification of the world. Despite the seriousness, Trump, who continues as if nothing had happened, fired his Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper on Twitter this Monday, and appointed Christopher C. Miller, current director of the Center, in his place, on an interim basis. National Against Terrorism.

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