Follow-up to EPS care channels, health secretariats, ARL and prepaid medicine plans: SuperSalud | La Libertad newspaper


The objective is to establish what are the conditions under which access to information channels is being guaranteed for users.

-. Nearly 100 EPS web portals will be periodically evaluated

The National Health Superintendency carries out documentary audits and visits to the care channels offered – web portals and telephone lines – by the EPS of the subsidized, contributory and special regimes; health secretariats; occupational risk managers, and prepaid medicine entities authorized and operating throughout the country.

“The objective of this monitoring is to establish whether users have the necessary information from their EPS to access the services they require and, especially, if there are exclusive spaces on their web portals to provide information related to COVID-19 ”, Assured the delegate for User Protection, Marianella Sierra Saa.

To date, nearly 100 web portals have been audited, inspection and surveillance actions account for difficulties such as: lack of access channels for people with disabilities and, particularly, in the special regime, little information is published for their affiliates.
“10% of the service lines continue to present difficulties in access and are not attended to in a timely manner. Some only respond between 11 and 12 a day, and none answered 100% of the attempts made by the audit team, “added the delegate.

On the other hand, innovative initiatives were identified such as: programs for the delivery of medicines to vulnerable populations online, virtual medical office, psychological counseling line, applications designed for procedures and self-evaluation of the coronavirus, virtual courses, and laboratory sampling of home.
“With respect to the evidenced findings, the respective requirements were made to the entities to demand the necessary improvements, and we will continue to strictly follow up to guarantee timely access to services,” said Sierra Saa.

The Supersalud will continue to carry out the corresponding inspection actions, and in cases where the violation of users’ health rights is identified, or a refusal to implement improvement actions, the entities will be subject to an eventual administrative investigation that could end in a sanction for the
non-compliance with the instructions of the control entity.

