Follow these steps to avoid the peak and plate in Bogotá


The peak and plate to control traffic congestion has already been implemented again in Bogotá, but with some changes that will allow it to be exempt from the measure.

In addition to returning from Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Mayor Claudia López He pointed out that the car can be removed in certain circumstances even if it has a pick and plate.

According to the recent decree, the vehicles of health workers; those that are hybrids or electric, or that go with three or more passengers, may be exempt.

You are probably thinking of taking several people in your vehicle to get rid of the measure or you work in a health center, but be careful, you must first make a registration.


Form for those carrying three or more passengers

This works for vehicles that maintain the minimum occupancy of three people (including the driver) throughout the journey (from origin to destination).

To benefit from this exception, citizens must register on the same platform, but filling out the registration form for excepted found in this link.

Registration is weekly and must be done from Saturdays, and will only be valid until 11:59 pm on the following Friday.

If you want to travel in your vehicle in two different weeks, then you will have to register twice.

The permit will work for any of the days during that week, but don’t forget that it is temporary.

further be careful, if the traffic authority detects that you are circulating during restricted hours, and you do not have at least three people, the corresponding hearing will be applied.

Also, the possibility of making a new vehicle registration on the platform will be blocked during the six months following the offense.

See in this document all the details of this exemption of the peak and plate.

Health worker exemption

The vehicles of the personnel necessary for the provision of all types of human health services must be previously registered by their employers.

Through this link on the website of the Ministry of Mobility, the institution must fill out a form with the main data of its workers so that they are exempt from the peak and plate.

Pay for the exemption

The so-called ‘Pico y Placa Solidario’ seeks to generate environmental awareness and discourage the purchase of a second car.

Citizens interested in this economic and social consideration must make a contribution of $ 2,066,200 pesos for a 6-month permit.

Enter this link to know how to pay and what this peak and solidarity plate with the city consists of.

The economic resources obtained will be an alternative source of financing for the integrated public transport system.
