First case of coronavirus in the Bogotá Police


Due to the diagnosis, the authorities had to evacuate several offices of the Metropolitan Police headquarters and some uniformed personnel were isolated after learning of the coronavirus case.

According to City Noticias, the infected person is a mayor of the institution and now it must be established how many uniforms have to be isolated to prevent further contagion in their homes.

Claudia López with megaphone

The infected uniform remained in the General Police Command, on 6th street with Caracas Avenue, whose offices were vacated.

According to the same newscast, at this time the health authorities are advancing in the investigation of the epidemiological route and it was confirmed that this is the first case in the institution. According to the Police, now they will be passing tests on several uniformed men to avoid further contagion.

After learning of the new case, the commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police, General Óscar Gómez, explained to Caracol News how the evacuation and alert at the institution were:

“We want to inform that what we wanted was to isolate our personnel to avoid further contagion, after the ambulance has arrived, the people who know how to manipulate. And really, that was the performance that took place the night before, ”said General Gómez.

In addition, it was reported that the uniform diagnosed with COVID-19 was transferred to the central police hospital.
