father of young woman killed during night of protests in Bogotá


The night of protests that Bogotá experienced over the death of lawyer Javier Ordóñez left more events to regret, such as the seven fatalities in Bogotá and Soacha.

One of them was an 18-year-old girl, who asked her father’s permission to spend the night with a friend who lives two neighborhoods from her house.

“I did not see any problem, I said: ready, love, batteries, because that neighborhood is like heavy, but there is no problem, I had done it before,” said Harold Rodríguez, father of the victim, to the Eye of the night.

What he least imagined reached his heart like a pang: “They call me in a curt way and say: ‘your daughter has just been shot in the head'”.

A bullet had hit her. Her friend took her to a Priority Health Care Center, but she was already without vital signs.

“They killed her, they shot her dead, a stray bullet, but straight to the heart. I do not know, they were cruel, there I think it was not a bullet as such lost. The fact was that he collapsed and arrived here at the hospital without vital signs, ”lamented the victim’s father.

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