Experts warn that spending too much time in front of screens could lower IQ


According to a study revealed by the BBC, there are several experts who assure that spending too much time on screen exposures could slow cognitive development and the intelligence quotient Of the youngs.

According to the interview published in the media, it is the generation known as ‘digital natives’ who You could be suffering serious consequences from the excessive use of electronic devices like cell phones, televisions and video games.

“There is simply no excuse for what we are doing to our children and how we are endangering their future and development “, warns the neuroscientist Michel Desmurget in the interview with BBC World.

As it lets see Michel Desmurget, although several studies showed that in most cases the IQ increased from generation to generation, in recent years this trend stopped happening in digital natives.

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Although it would be thought that they are the generation that has more access to information, it is also true that from a very young age children and adolescents live surrounded by electronic devices that, according to experts, are not used in the best way.

That is why several researchers warn about the use and excessive time that new generations spend on screens.

According to experts, although the use of technology cannot be completely taken away from children, especially in a world like the current one where adults live connected to their computers and cell phones, on average, a maximum of one hour is recommended on these devices.

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Likewise, experts recommend that before the age of 6, do not let the little ones expose themselves to the screens for a long time, which is not to say that they can’t sit and watch TV shows from time to time.

Other recommendations of the experts, both for adults and children, are summarized in not be connected to these devices even an hour before going to sleep.

Finally, although it can be difficult to get away from electronic devices in times of quarantine and confinement at home, it is important to remember the times when these devices did not exist and you could share time doing other types of activities. Surely the smallest of the house will appreciate it.

Read the full BBC Mundo article here.
