Exceptions to the curfew in Cali, who will be able to circulate this weekend?


In Cali, the curfew and the dry law will govern throughout this weekend, as measures of the municipal administration aimed at curbing the speed of spread of covid-19.

The restrictions will begin at 7:00 am on Friday, January 15, and will extend until 5:00 am on Monday, January 18, as stated in Decree 4112.010.20.0005 of 2021.

Also read: They install a point to take free tests to detect covid-19 in the Bulevar del Río

The above implies that during this Friday non-essential commercial establishments, restaurants, bars, banks and municipal public entities will not attend in person. Notaries will not open this day either.

However, and in order to guarantee the provision of supply services, health and other fundamental tasks, the norm specified 29 cases in which the measure will not apply.

These are the exceptions of the curfew in Cali that will be in force until 5:00 am this Monday:

* Medical and dental, healthcare, pharmaceutical, hospital, clinical staff, which includes traditional doctors from indigenous communities, duly accredited by their councils.

* Attendance at previously scheduled medical and dental appointments.

* Veterinary emergencies.

* Chain of production, supply, storage, transportation, marketing and distribution of food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, health products, and basic necessities. For its acquisition, only one person may travel per family nucleus, in any case taking into account the peak measure and ID contained in district decree No. 4112.010.20. 0003 January 12, 2021.

* Those who are duly accredited as members of the public force, Public Ministry, Civil Defense, Red Cross, Ombudsman’s Office, Fire Department.

* The activities necessary to guarantee the operation, storage and supply of the provision of: (i) public services of aqueduct, sewerage, electricity, public lighting, cleaning (collection, transport, use and final disposal, recycling, including biological waste or sanitary) and recovery of materials; (ii) internet and telephone service).

* Surveillance, private security and guarding.

* Trades and activities that by their nature are carried out individually and do not generate concurrence of several people: plumbing, cleaning services and domestic care.

* Radio, television, digital and written communication media, as well as the distribution of newspapers and magazines.

* Activities of public servants, State contractors and duly accredited volunteer personnel that are strictly necessary to prevent, mitigate and attend to the health emergency, as well as linked to security and justice organizations and control bodies (Attorney General’s Office, Personería and Contraloría).

* Transportation, supply and distribution of fuels.

* Funeral services, burials and cremations.

* Attention to force majeure and fortuitous events.

* Displacement for trips by air transport, as well as inter-municipal, special or private land transport that have scheduled trips or reservations in hotels and lodgings during the curfew period or in hours approximated to it, circumstances that must be accredited.

* Operational personnel essential for the operation of the mass and collective public transport systems.

* The activities of the interfaith sector and NGOs related to institutional emergency programs, humanitarian, spiritual and psychological aid.

* Personnel who work shifts in companies that carry out their production processes 24/7.

* Vehicles for traffic control and cranes.

* Institutional or home care of the elderly, people under 18 years of age, dependents, sick people, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people, and of animals.

* In order to protect the integrity of pets and companion animals, and in compliance with phytosanitary measures, one person per family unit may take out the pet or companion animals.

* It will also allow the commercialization of the products of the gastronomic establishments and premises, including those located in hotels, by home delivery and the circulation of people and vehicles that provide commercial services in municipalities of the metropolitan area in the hours that include the touch of remains.

* Workers who provide their services in excepted activities.

* The execution of transport infrastructure and public works, as well as the supply chain of materials and supplies related to their execution.

* Individual practice of outdoor sports activities, such as walking, jogging, cycling and individual functional work. For this purpose, people must observe the following biosecurity protocol:
– Permanent use of mask
– Biosafety kit
– Minimum distance of 5 meters between people
– It is not allowed to make pairs or groups
– Each person must have individual hydration
– It is forbidden to share items such as towels, ties, thermos, liquids and food, etc.
– The activity can be done within a kilometer around your place of residence
– Have a sports health passport.
– During the curfew the following are not enabled: Courts, recreational sports parks, biosaludable parks, sports centers, gyms, social and sports clubs, sports centers and other sports venues.

* High-performance and professional athletes, who may train in high-performance scenarios, with prior authorization from the Sports and Recreation Secretariat, in compliance with Resolution No. 4162.010.210. 233 of October 30, 2020 “By which the biosecurity protocol is adopted for the management and control of the risk of the Covid-19 coronavirus for the practice of physical, recreational and sports activities in the Special, Sports, Cultural, Tourist District, Business and Services of Santiago de Cali ”, issued by the Secretary of Sports and Recreation.

* The activities of the construction sector, as well as the supply of materials and supplies exclusively destined to their execution.

* Taking into account that preventing contact between children and adolescents and their parents would affect the rights of custody and visitation as well as the rights to have a family, displacements may be made to comply with the shared custody regime or visits established, as long as prevention measures are guaranteed to reduce the risk of contagion for minors and their parents.
– The fathers or mothers who mobilize to comply with said regime must have any of the documents in which the respective regulation is recorded: conciliation act, public deed, administrative resolution or judicial sentence.

* The essential social programs that require continuity of service by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, Icbf.

* Centers for the Protection of domestic violence and violence against women, as well as protection for victims of human rights violations.

Frets: only in case of force majeure

Moving and moving processes were not included in the exceptions of the curfew decree and will only be allowed in the event of force majeure.

“We did not have planned the fiddling. We want to remember that these measures are precisely so that we remain at home, unless it is a case of force majeure or fortuitous event, and in that event they will have to comply with the biosecurity protocols in place. by the National Government, “explained María del Pilar Cano, legal director of the Mayor’s Office, in a Facebook Live held this Thursday by the administration.

Accredit the exception

According to the standard, “the persons who carry out the aforementioned activities must be accredited or identified in the exercise of their functions or activities.”

In this case, the letters and documents of the employer certifying that the person was performing work exempted in the decree will be valid.

Likewise, those who must attend previously scheduled medical appointments must show proof of their consultation.

On the other hand, those who must travel for the purpose of travel, must show the respective tickets and / or hotel reservations.

In the case of separated parents who have authorization to visit their children, the decree specifies that this situation must be proven with a conciliation act, public deed, administrative resolution or court ruling.

Finally, people who wish to go out for physical activity must follow the biosecurity measures mentioned in the standard, as well as have an updated health passport and only do the activity within a kilometer around their residence.
