Everything you need to know about the reopening of docks in Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL


With the new phase of selective isolation in the country, the opening of the nautical sector is already a fact. From the first of September, the transit of boats, water sports and other recreational activities is allowed in the La Bodeguita dock and in nine marinas in the city. Read: La Bodeguita Pier begins operation on September 1

The relaxation of these measures, although they worry Mayor William Dau, represent a crucial return to Cartagena’s tourist and commercial vocation. During a tour, the president verified the implementation of the biosecurity protocols in place for a responsible reactivation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are approaching the first of September when the new presidential decree that opens the floodgates for the total opening of sectors and activities comes into force, except those that have been requested to restrict. Although I am scared of a regrowth due to this almost total opening, I can say that the La Bodeguita dock is ready to ship. Everyone has been preparing with the protocols and measures. The same is the hotel sector, tourist agents and restaurants ”, he said.

The General Maritime Directorate (Dimar) has led the pilot plan that establishes the nautical protocols for the gradual reactivation of the activities in the Cartagena docks. In this first phase, the operation at the La Bodeguita dock only includes trips and walks to the islands of the Insular Zone.

In this regard, the captain of the Port of Cartagena, Captain Jorge Enrique Uricoechea, explained that the work plan to offer services at the La Bodeguita dock starts 24 hours in advance.

Once people enter the dock, they register and go through screening tests so they can board the boats.

“People interested in going out have to pass a list where they state in which boat they are going to leave, when they are going to leave (date), and the names and IDs of the family group, since we are handling the issue of family bubbles to organize all the boats so that they can be grouped together and thus we have a social bubble on board the boats, taking into account that they are small and the idea is to try to separate them with the least type of risk ”.

Said family or social bubbles will be separated by chairs in between since the interior of the boats may not exceed 80%.

“The idea is that during the displacement all the crew use the mask and all the elements that are required and are established by the Ministry of Health,” said the port captain.

It should be noted that disembarkation is not authorized anywhere, taking into account that in this first phase it is sought to protect the communities of the island areas that to date have not been infected by coronavirus.

“For example, the boat that leaves the Todo Mar marina has to return to the Todo Mar. It is not authorized to jump into the water, to disembark on a beach, taking into account that the beach protocol is not yet authorized.”

Operations at the La Bodeguita dock will take place between 7 and 10:30 in the morning, and will be adjusted according to the results of this first phase.

“The sale of tickets to any tour on the same day is prohibited. Everything will be under prior reservation and the person who is not registered will not be able to travel. Then a second phase will come, where they will be able to disembark, and after this, the normal and total operation will come, ”said Irvin Pérez, Executive President of Corpoturismo.

Activities allowed – PHASE I

– Fishing

– Ship transit

– Rides on the boats

