Europe registers decrease in death toll from COVID-19


Italy, the second country worst hit by the coronavirus after the United States, presented 260 deaths in the last 24 hours; while Spain reported 288 new deaths from the outbreak, being the lowest figures for a month.

In France, meanwhile, health authorities reported that deaths related to COVID-19 in the country had a sharp decline, and a total of 242 deaths were registered this Sunday.


The downward trend in Europe has been coming for several days, which has led the different governments to plan measures of gradual decontamination, as in Spain, that from this weekend, children can go for a walk and play on the street for a certain time.

Edouard Philippe, French Prime Minister, also confirmed that the government plans to carry out a “National strategy to exit the country from isolation”, which should begin on May 11, with the reopening of educational institutions.

The World Health Organization (WHO), for its part, emphasized this week at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, that lifting containment measures and opening certain industrial sectors does not guarantee that the pandemic is over.


According to the organism’s director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to control and overcome the spread of COVID-19 in the world, a “Sustained effort by individuals, communities and governments”.

To the monument, the outbreak has caused the death of 205,398 people globally, with the United States being the most affected country. In addition, there are about 3 million diagnosed cases of contagion.
