Europe must prepare for a “tougher” pandemic in the coming months: WHO – Europe – International


The pandemic will worsen in Europe in the next two months and mortality will increase, warned on Monday a person in charge of the World Health Organization, the day after the record of daily infections in the world was registered.

Faced with the multiplication of outbreaks of the disease throughout the planet, countries are once again imposing strong containment measures. In England restrictions on social gatherings will come into effect on Monday and Israel will again impose a national lockdown starting this weekend.

(In context: What is behind the outbreaks of the virus in Spain)

“It will be harder. In October, in November, you will see a higher mortality” in Europe, he stated in an interview with the AFP Belgian doctor Hans Kluge, director for the region of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Currently, in Europe there is a large increase in infections, especially in Spain and France, although mortality remains, for the moment, stable. According to Kluge, the discovery of a vaccine against the virus will not end the pandemic.

“I hear all the time: ‘the vaccine is going to be the end of the epidemic’. Of course not!”said the person in charge. “We don’t even know if the vaccine is going to be effective for all sectors of the population. We are getting some signs that it will be effective for some, but not for others.”

Since the virus broke out in China in December, the new coronavirus has claimed at least 924,968 lives and has infected more than 29 million people, according to a tally by the AFP from official sources.

Precisely the WHO warned that on Sunday 307,930 new cases were registered in the world, the record of daily infections since the beginning of the pandemic. In this context of acceleration, as of this Monday, in England meetings of more than six people will be prohibited.

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This measure, which does not affect the other regions of the United Kingdom, applies both internally and abroad, with the exception of schools, workplaces, weddings and funerals.

On Tuesday, in Birmingham, the second most populous city in the United Kingdom, meetings between friends or families will not be allowed, according to a decision by local authorities. The United Kingdom, the most mourning country in Europe (41,623 dead), registered more than 3,500 new cases of covid-19 on Friday, the worst data since May 17.

Living with the pandemic

“The end of this pandemic will be the moment when, as a community, we have learned to live with it. And that depends on us. It is a very positive message,” Kluge said.

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On Friday, the 55 countries of WHO Europe registered 51,000 new cases, a figure higher than that reached during the peaks of April, according to the organization’s data. At the same time, the daily number of deaths due to the pandemic remains between 400 and 500, as in early June, according to the same source.

Faced with this new disease, Kluge defended the ideas and turns of the authorities in recent months and warned against an overly politicized management of the health crisis in a context in which doubts settled in people. It is important to base the response to covid-19 “in epidemiological and public health data”he insisted.

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“In a certain number of countries we see that politics is imposed on scientists. And also in a certain number of countries we see that people doubt science. It is very dangerous.”, he warned.

