Embassy of the United Arab Emirates makes a donation to Colombia – Government – Politics


The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Colombia developed an initiative of support and solidarity for Colombians in the wake of the crisis that was generated by covid-19.

For this, the diplomatic corps and the officials of the Diplomatic Mission made a donation, which comes from their salary payments, to buy food baskets that integrate basic necessities and benefit approximately 2,000 vulnerable citizens.

Ambassador Salem Rashed Alowais noted that “This donation aims to consolidate cooperation and collaboration between the two peoples in order to overcome this global crisis.”

In the same way, he expressed the generosity of the United Arab Emirates “that does not hesitate to extend a hand to friendly peoples at any time and in any place without distinction of color, race or religion” and stressed that we are united by the principles of humanity and brotherhood.

Donation from the UAE embassy to Colombia

With the money raised, basic food items were purchased for vulnerable families


Courtesy United Arab Emirates Embassy

It is not the first time that Colombia has received support from the United Arab Emirates. ANDOn April 8, several medical elements arrived in the country. Among them, a laboratory with state-of-the-art technology that accelerates the processing of covid-19 tests. The laboratory is made up of 3 machines and is valued at several million dollars.

Likewise, On that date, 15,000 projector suits arrived, 15,000 medical gowns, 500,000 gloves, 30,000 shoe covers, 20,000 masks, 6,000 disinfectants, more than 3,000 wet towels, 10,000 quick kits for covid-19 and an amplification test.

